Replaces with a foot operated thing on a flex, its ace and has an actual chuck aswell. The pen like nature of the tool is much nicer than a fist full of dremel too.
What was the brand ? Was it a Foredom ?
For Europeans , ( and Brits ) Bordet in France now do some similar to Foredom..
Plently of "grunt" there at 900 Watts.
They also do a powered vibrating carver , scroll to the bottom of that page.
Flexidrives and tool holders are similar in price to Foredom , but Bordet's stuff works on 220/240 "out of the box".
Similar available out of China too, or you could make one using a Dremel, Foredom, or others flexidrive with a little
imagination.If I was going that way, I'd look at using a servo motor of the type sold for industrial sewing machines with a control box and a pedal.Motors with the box etc can be got for around £125.00 in the UK , Jack are probably the best, I have a few here ( or around $50.00 From China ), they won't spin as fast, but the speed that you need depends on what you are
doing.Servo motors have all the power at slow revs
too.You can also use "micro-motors" and make your own devices which go much faster than Dremels etc, and have a more slim, easier to hold "pen" feel to them, like the air powered versions.
Lidl also do a double wheel grinding / polishing system with a flex-drive included ( made for them by Sheppach ) , I have two , these work well and accept all the same bits that Dremels do, Tungsten burrs etc, Motor is I think a bit more powerful than a Dremel, designed to be bench mounted, cost about €30.00 or so here.
There used to be a guy in Oz, can't remember his name ATM, and I seem to remember his website was down the last time I looked, he did very nice powered carving work with a bunch of tools that dropped down from the ceiling ( so as to not be cluttered when working ) he had a mix of tools, some Dremels in there. It is much easier to work when you have a bunch of each of the different tools and so don't have to keep stopping to change the bits. Similar with angle grinders with their various attachments and discs, and chainsaws in different sizes.
You can use a domestic sewing machine foot pedal* to make a Dremel or something of a similar wattage have variable foot pedal control. Domestic sewing machine motors ( the old "potted" type that bolted on the back of the machine, and the newer internal motors were / are all around 90 to 110 watts , Dremels and similar are around 130 to 150, .Putting the pedals in line between them and the mains ( set it up safely ) will give you a variable control foot pedal, leaving both hands free, or you could rig it to be pressed by elbows, knees, whatever.
*other variable foot pedals are available.