Been Busy... Critiques please

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Established Member
18 Jul 2008
Reaction score
Limerick, Ireland
Here is a bowl i made. Don't know what the wood is. Its about 4"x7".


Two goblets, first two i've made. used off cuts from the newl post from our cherry stairs. Finish didn't turn out the best on the one on the left. Friction polish went a bit gloopy

And finally my first two attempts at making pens, same cherry wood from off cuts off the stairs
I'm fed up of my wife been the only one who comments on the stuff i make. And i don't know any woodturners locally to get tips or advice, i depend on this site (thanks). So any criticism or tips on improving weither bad or good would be appreciated.
Well Done Digazz ! ....
the bowl is an unusual shape :D but not an unpleasant one... I like 'different', it shows individuality !

The goblets look to have a good finish... how did you do the wibbly-wobbly one ? have you an eccentric chuck ? or did you just 'crank it over' in the standard jaws ?

I really like the straight one.. especially the 'bowl section' shape.. a bit like the 'tulip shape'... nice flowing profile there... I like it !

Pens, I don't personally know so much about, as (as of yet ) I havent done any.
From a 'look' perspective ... maybe a wee bit too much undulations on the profiles ? maybe ? ... I like the look of a pen to be more parallel sided, but thats just a personal preference. Shape aside, they look to be well finished and put together ! 8) :D

Keep them coming ... great 'variation of disciplines' from bowls to pens, via goblets... thats excellent !
8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Thanks Jenx. I don't have an eccentric chuck. I had the piece screwed to a faceplatet, urned the top section, and then losened the screws holding the wood and stuck a wedge in on one side to off balance the wood. After it was turned i handsanded the stem to tke away the sharp lines to try and blend the curves. Didn't know if it was going to work at the time. And wasn't going to pay the big bucks for an accentric chuck that i'll not get much use out of.
Sorry, awfully rude of me not to comment.

I'm not keen on the shape of the bowl. I just don't think it's pleasing on the eye.

Good try on the eccentric goblet, I think you need to keep trying this technique til you've mastered it. The plain one on the right is my fave of all the items you posted. It's simple and shows signs of some real skill coming through.

The pens are nicely finished but the shapes are a little wacky for my liking.

What is most important is that YOU like them and the people who you turn for are pleased. When I go to craft shows there is a lot of stuff that is not to my taste, but I can appreciate it all the same.

For that matter, what do you think about them? Are you happy with what you have done?
The bowl looks a bit like burr oak. I agree about the shape being a bit clunky but that is taste. It isn't easy wood to work IME and you seem to have done a good jddob by the photos.

With the goblets, aim for the foot to be about 2.3rds the dia. of the bowl. Someone told me this was standard and so I measured a load of glassses and it seems to be right. Try the off centre one by doing the offcentre part between centres and then make a tenon with the wood centred up to finish off the top and bottom. Loads of different ways. Tam uses another method. Look at his avatar. Each method seems to have a different effect on the end result. Pens I don't do so can't really comment. Keep them coming, every piece is part of a learning curve and as such of value


I realy realy like your no 2 goblet !! :)

I'd like to try the eccentric stem on one of mine, but im waiting for Tam to post the WIP on the one in hiis avatar first !! HINT !!

Not keen on the very tight waist on the first pen, but im no pen man.

Thanks Wizer. I wasn't happy with the design of the bowl. Unfortunately i seem to never plan what i expect to come out of the wood, before i start. I turn away and try and find it as i go along. That bowl to me (before i started) was all about the markings on the wood and how to keep them in the final bowl. if i had gong to far in near the bottom or top, it would have been just plain coloured wood.
I do like 50% of what i do, but mostly find alot of flaws/ things that could have been done better, or a different way .
digazz":2m4br305 said:
I turn away and try and find it as i go along. That bowl to me (before i started) was all about the markings on the wood and how to keep them in the final bowl. if i had gong to far in near the bottom or top, it would have been just plain coloured wood.
I do like 50% of what i do, but mostly find alot of flaws/ things that could have been done better, or a different way .

Think outside the box and go for a wide bowl like this to leave as much of the markings figuring as possible.

You will never reach a point where you totally like what you have done, at least not for long. You will always see something that you could have done differently or better.

Now, ... "Into the competition with you" :wink: :lol:

Seriously.. be a great ( and very informal and friendly ) way of really pushing ones boundaries and capabilities, and ( although not yer cast in stone, dates wise ), we'll have a bit of time to get something together for an entry.

Have a go, Digazz ...
it'll be good ! 8) 8) :D
Digazz, A mighty effort boy, I think you should be proud of what you turned ,

The way I look at it is if all turners conform to a set of basics about shape ,size, thickness, and meausurments we will have the situation of the non buyers at the craft fairs everything looks the same.Wheras all other crafts have a free licence to do as they pleasemake what they want and let the buyers decide which they want :wink: :wink:
If you like it and the missus as well great who else do you have to please if you want to sell it and some one buys it whose to say that your shape is the wrong one especially if there are 5 or 6 "regulation" pieces that are not bought. Keep up the good work . REgards Boysie.
digazz,i have only made a couple of bowls, no goblets, so i cant give you any advise there. i love your bowl and goblets. cos i like ****** turnings. well done. i do make a lot of pens though and i think the pens are a great start. i agree with wizer though the shapes are a little unusual. like jenx says, if the people who are recieving them are happy then you should be. a great effort all round. well done.
Thanks Boysie.. YOur right, It can be boring just seeing piesces that are always the same.
Greggy, I made those pens for my wife, I told her that i shaped them like a woman. Thankfully she didn't get offended.