Any views on the Rutland router table? New one?

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Established Member
27 Jun 2023
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York or surrounding
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One thing to bear in mind is you get what you pay for, the Jessem, Incra, Woodpecker products are well known but expensive and with quality that is guaranteed so to give fair assessment you would need to see these Rutland tables and feel what they are like. My first impressions are that they seem to have evolved by just bolting bits on here and there, look at these just hanging off one leg, does not shout professional or scream quality and easily damaged, why not keep them inside of the legs ?

I once bought 2 of Rutlands 'precision' clamping squares.

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I'll say no more :)
I looked into spindle moulders. But can you buy any with a 20000rpm? I would be only using small cutters so I assume I would need one with a 20000rpm speed?
I looked into spindle moulders. But can you buy any with a 20000rpm? I would be only using small cutters so I assume I would need one with a 20000rpm speed?
Just so - and if you found a way to use larger cutters you'd probably kill your wallet! the tooling ain't cheap. A spindle moulder suits a production environment churning out large scale second fittings for houses and the like but there's a reason that they've become rare beasts in hobbyist and home workshops.

Router tables these days are adrip with auto-raises and the like - things to go phut, in the cheaper items. What counts most in a router table is the accuracy of its fittings - dead-flat top, accurately moveable fence - and the ability to easily configure it - getting bits in and out of the collet; a means to raise and lower it in the table that doesn't require you to be a contortionist.

A lot of router tables fail to meet one or more of these requirements.

Long ago I bought a Veritas router table and (eventually) put a large Triton touter in it. It still meets all the above after 20 years. Sadly you can no longer buy the Veritas router table and its many add-ons; the Triton is still available. It's easy to raise and lower accurately and to change the bit with the collet poking up above the table.