Good looking fox that. But I assume you don't keep hens...
... my sister, who does (keep hens), had a stand-off with one at her back door last year: the hens were due to be shut in for the night, and she had collected one of her older hens that's going blind, and had it in her arms.
The fox sat on its haunches about ten feet away and wouldn't budge. She's convinced it was waiting for a mistake by either her or the hen, so it could pounce.
Sis says the worst thing about the hunting ban is that now, several fox generations on, they're no longer afraid of humans. Round her way, in S.E. Somerset, they're a menace, apparently.
I have mixed feelings about the whole thing, but tend towards her view. Thanks to 'recycling' causing a good food supply to be easily had, they're extremely common in suburban gardens now, and were never threatened in any case. There was talk at election time of repeal, but it's all gone quiet now.
Meanwhile chez nous The blue-tits and tree bees are going great. We have five or six fledglings crashing about the garden, with more to come, so they've done really well so far. The bees have taken over the other nestbox, on the side of the house, but they're very gentle and quite buzzy in warm weather. I can close my eyes and imagine I own Cragside house in Northumberland!
I'll try for some pics, but don't really have the right lens at the moment, and I'm not going to get close to the bees just for a snap! The mouse (my avatar) was taken close to the bird feeder (on the adjacent rose bush) a couple of years ago. His descendants are still around, and worryingly, I saw a brown rat last week, gorging on the seed thrown down by the sparrows (very messy eaters!).