Am I the only person depressed by the number of comments with gender or racial stereotypes in them?

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If often think WHY did I have kids!!

Cheers James

I often think "I like my kids, but have zero interest in what other peoples kids are doing." Actually, I often tell my wife that so as not to hear the curated bits about other kids' accomplishments, or stories of their dads taking 2 days off of work every other week and spending $1000 to take kids to travel soccer games and stay in hotels.

This is the new version of proving your better than other parents.
Accepted and I think nothing more of it.
I know I've been guilty of the exact same thing. To everyone else I also apologize.

This threads turning into a big group hug.
Accepted and I think nothing more of it.
I know I've been guilty of the exact same thing. To everyone else I also apologize.

This threads turning into a big group hug.
Hmmmm can you say "big"............ could offend a few.........
Over here, most of the jokes are at the expense of white Anglo Saxon males as you dare not offend anyone else - especially the TV ads where invariably the males are cast using Homer Simpson as a they are the group (responsible for all the world's troubles apparently) that are, by some sort of definition, immune to being offended. A bit like the Irish - a sign of maturity and contentment with your place in the world IMHO? Anyway, it leads to a solution. From now on could all jokes substitute the butt of the joke with a 'Middle Age Straight White Male of medium build, without obvious disability, not bald but with (non-ginger) hair...and un-woke'. A MASWM. As an example, three MASWM's go to the pub..., or A MASWM, an Irishman and an Australian cricketer (as Australian cricketers' deserve everything they get), were thrown out of a plane with 2 parachutes etc, etc. It might dilute the punchline a bit, but no-one would be offended. Glad to have helped :).
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I doubt women feel either excluded or care. I get included in female conversations sometimes (most of my colleagues are female lawyers) and they happily use words that men think are verboten about women, compare men in all respects, can be very rude about them, and have a very active sense of humour.
I can vouch that a shopfloor full of woman operatives is a far more dauting prospect than any engineering shop floor full of men, they will bitch, curse and swear with the best of them whilst being completely non pc. God help the young lads who walked into their domain, never the same again !

People all need to just learn to laugh at themselves, don't take things to serious because life really is too short and stop living in a world of make believe wearing rose tinted spectacles. Something is going very wrong with humanity, we are really coming off the rails when so much is very wrong in the world yet so many who could change it just stand bye and yet we get upset by things that are not real. I used to be scared of what lived under our stairs as a kid but I would not have taken any notice of comments sent by text if it had existed so we are getting fragile as a race. Then you have girls who disfigure themselves and look like a clown who has swallowed a sink plunger because somewhere along the line they see this as normal, but no one will say otherwise because they would be accused of something. We need characters like Alf Garnet and Steptoe to put the world to right, a return to better days and undo all the make believe shiettttte that has been generated in the last few decades.
I was hoping this thing would take a 'Least said, sooner mended' course, but 12 pages later, perhaps I
ought to say a word or 2, being the fella that posted that 'archaeology joke'.
First, If I offended anyone, I truly am sorry. It was never my intention.
Perhaps it is a generational thing, I don't know. I was born in '64, so that makes me a borderline
Boomer (there's a joke in there somewhere) and might be a bit rough around the edges, compared to the younger folks...
Anyway, I was/am under the impression that jokes used stereotypes and generalizations for the sake of brevity, to
get to the punchline in a timely manner. Hence the jokes about blondes or Irishmen or the 3 clergymen.
Is a person telling such a joke implying that all blonde women are of limited intellect and promiscuous, or that the nation that gave us Joyce and Beckett are a bunch of silly people? Of course not.
I understand a lot of things can be 'weaponized', jokes included, but in the majority of cases if you hear hooves , it's just a horse.

Peace to all.
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Darn it! I've just inadvertently opened this thread after saying I'd had enough of it! I see that a couple of the usual protagonists who claimed they were 'out of it' are still very much not 'out of it'. They're still around, still at it! You know who you are.... :sneaky:
I was hoping this thing would take a 'Least said, sooner mended' course, but 12 pages later, perhaps I
ought to say a word or 2, being the fella that posted that 'archaeology joke'.
First, If I offended anyone, I truly am sorry. It was never my intention.
Perhaps it is a generational thing, I don't know. I was born in '64, so that makes me a borderline
Boomer (there's a joke in there somewhere) and might be a bit rough around the edges, compared to the younger folks...
Anyway, I was/am under the impression that jokes used stereotypes and generalizations for the sake of brevity, to
get to the punchline in a timely manner. Hence the jokes about blondes or Irishmen or the 3 clergymen.
Is a person telling such a joke implying that all blonde women are of limited intellect and promiscuous, or that the nation that gave us Joyce and Beckett are a bunch of silly people? Of course not.
I understand a lot of things can be 'weaponized', jokes included, but in the majority of cases if you hear hooves , it's just a horse.

Peace to all.
Monty Python at their absurdist best. It's a shame whoever posted it on YouTube(?) had to spoil the first punchline with the title.
I'm trying to remember if MP were ever accused of racism/misogyny or the like.
I know they got a lot of flak over The Life of Brian.
There are quotes in all of Monty Python that are hard to forget "Even you main character has the same initials as the Messiah" (John Cleese) "He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy" "What have the Romans ever done for us" "Stupid Englishman, I fart in your general direction" "I'm Brian and so is my wife" and many many more.
I don't regularly peruse that section and when I have done, I haven't been offended. Maybe because i wear my big boy pants when I get dressed in the morning.
That tells me one or more of three things about you must be true

1. You haven't seen the comments because the mods have deleted them yourself
2. You don't see anything wrong with broad sweeping statements about the national characteristics of others or the use of the word ****** in the forums (it's just a joke, innit!)
3. You are a white British man so not in the group of people being targeted.
I was hoping this thing would take a 'Least said, sooner mended' course, but 12 pages later...

Oh no no! This is a natural law. All threads complaining or debating about other popular threads must grow larger than the original.
I have not been a member of a Golf Club for over twenty years, but always managed to kill a joke stone dead if it started "There was an Englishman a Scotsman and a Jew" I would always ask why two had countries and the other a religion, I think that's why I am an ex-member. 😱
my favourite joke since I was 8 starts "there's a bhuddist monk, rabbi and a priest". it involves Dr Bobs favourite Brexit analogy and the lack of a parachute
Peterm - have you thought of starting an internet forum for the perpetually offended? I'm sure there be a huge take up. You could get Prince Harry for a patron.
Firstly, I don't believe 99% of the people on this forum think it's OK to characterise people of a different race by the way they speak or look. But some do - because they keep posting this stuff.

So I could set up a forum for the perpetually offended... or the people posting these comments could head off to one of the many internet forums for the perpetually offensive. The strange thing is there don't seem to be web forums for the perpetually offended, but there are plenty for the perpetually offensive (e.g. Stormfront, 8chan etc.). Maybe it's because being perpetually offensive isn't something that's tolerated in real life. The people who have these views can only post them on the internet.
No matter how polite a forum of perpetually offended people could be, there would still be a lot of thread reporting.

Just as there is a small slice of folks who go to the internet (after behaving "normally" in the real world) just to vent intentionally inappropriately, there's a similar sized group who have trained themselves to look for things that bother them as a matter of ego or to cover something else up.

They're both covering up a lack of meaningfulness in their daily lives.
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