I read that as a monk, a rabbit and a priest! I thought this must be a new joke I've never heard before!my favourite joke since I was 8 starts "there's a bhuddist monk, rabbi and a priest". it involves Dr Bobs favourite Brexit analogy and the lack of a parachute
Looks like everybody is nodding off. What's happened to the anti wokeism liberation front?
If anyone has actually tried to stop you from referring to your son or daughter by those terms, or has tried to stop you using the words boy or girl, then I sympathize. I can't imagine what that must be like. I've never experienced anything like that. Where do you live? You should contact the police, it can't be right for you to be subjected to that sort of pressure.Jacob Jacob Jacob
Over the last few years I recall many posts from yourself that showed zero consideration for other peoples feelings.
I know that I have also contributed my share of suchlike posts but when it has become apparent that I have hurt peoples feelings I have usually ended up apologising (not on every post but the majority) and not wait for a ban like some do.
The consideration bat works both ways, people constantly ramming "WOKE" agendas down my throat IS something I find highly offensive yet those who endorse them deem it as being OK to do. It really is not OK to do but the "WOKE" brigade are not one bit concerned that they are being all righteous condescending racist bigots.
I take offence at people who try to belittle our wonderful nation, I think it is hurtful when people try to rewrite the history of this fantastic country, I abhor racism of any kind yet find that due to "WOKISM" I have to listen daily to the so called white privilege in this country. I have the EXACT same entitlements in this FREE country of ours that any other legal person has be they white green purple black brown or yellow and it is for that very reason I feel highly offended when the "WOKE" brigade start demanding that I apologise for things that happened hundreds of years ago.
The "WOKISM" is fuelling racism by their actions it may not be intentional but does not mean it is not happening, who will they blame when the powder keg finally blows up?. Hopefully Jacob you are right and people do actually start to wake up and see the harm that is being done with the stupid demands. Just look at all of the so called sexes There are many different gender identities, including male, female, transgender, gender neutral, non-binary, agender, pangender, genderqueer, two-spirit, third gender, and all, none or a combination of these, I would hate to be the registrar filling out the birth certificate.
"WOKISM" does not end there they want to insult, offend and hurt me more as they do not want me to call my children son or daughter, they want the words male, female removed from existence as well as boy & girl, sadly it is a slippery slope and we are right at the top of it. Not once have I been asked what my views are instead the "WOKE" brigade can tell me that my views do not matter as they would be wrong, in fact they do not tell me I am wrong they shout that I am wrong, then they shout some more and smash up a few things whilst still shouting at me I am wrong, I feel hurt by that as it insults my intelligence and it will also be insulting the intelligence of the majority of people in this amazing nation we all live in and if someone brings it up we then get accused of being insensitive and not taking others into account that may be hurt.
I am not going to say any more on this thread as I have covered the points I wanted to, it is each to there own and peoples views differ, the above are my views and as such Jacob I am totally sure you will not try and ram over and over again your opposing views down my throat especially now that you are aware that I do feel hurt, offended and insulted by anything "WOKE"
much like using 14 push sticks and the weight out of a washing machine for balance while sawing tapioca or 96 grits of different stone or paper to sharpen an axe, they probably can't be bothered and are enjoying the rather funny Prince Charming jokeLooks like everybody is nodding off. What's happened to the anti wokeism liberation front?
Isn't that ageist? Or is that OK?I don't look at the Joke thread, I suspect it's all boomer humour.
Dear @cowtown_eric in the colonies,I have no wish or inclination to follow any of the "off-topic" or "joke" threads in any forums I visit. Ergo, I don't feel offended by any of them, and don't want to spend my time separating the wheat (good joks) from the chaff (negative cultural comments)
in the colonies
Tell me if I am wrong but when I last did biology I thought humans can only mate and produce offspring with another human and therefore the outcome has to be Male or Female, Boy or Girl that grow up to be Men, Women or right angles. This means you can refer to your kids by their names, or " He / she has done very well at school" unless they have badly misbehaved when other terms may appear. If you don't agree then go and have an argument with mother nature.If anyone has actually tried to stop you from referring to your son or daughter by those terms, or has tried to stop you using the words boy or girl,
^^^^ lifted from today's Times -
A law student who said that women have vaginas and are not as physically strong as men is being investigated by her university. Disciplinary action is being taken against Lisa Keogh, 29, over “offensive” and “discriminatory” comments that she made during lectures at Abertay University, Dundee.
If anyone has actually tried to stop you from referring to your son or daughter by those terms, or has tried to stop you using the words boy or girl, then I sympathize. I can't imagine what that must be like. I've never experienced anything like that. Where do you live? You should contact the police, it can't be right for you to be subjected to that sort of pressure.
There is a joke pertaining to this.I read that as a monk, a rabbit and a priest! I thought this must be a new joke I've never heard before!
Perhaps she should have said "allegedly" or "in general" or "average" or simply "many". Personally, if I were to call my spouse a "woman with a vagina", I think she'd clock me one for being rude and ignorantA law student who said that women have vaginas and are not as physically strong as men is being investigated by her university. Disciplinary action is being taken...
Oh no no! This is a natural law. All threads complaining or debating about other popular threads must grow larger than the original.
I see your comment and know 1 thing about you. You are being offended on somebody else's behalf. "Targeted" is such a ridiculous word in this context. Jokes are all about exaggeration. When somebody on here that falls into whatever category it was that you find offensive expresses their distress, I will take more notice. Meanwhile the internet is full of things one might find distasteful. If it hurts your sensibilities too much you could always try switching off and actually doing some woodwork.That tells me one or more of three things about you must be true
1. You haven't seen the comments because the mods have deleted them yourself
2. You don't see anything wrong with broad sweeping statements about the national characteristics of others or the use of the word ****** in the forums (it's just a joke, innit!)
3. You are a white British man so not in the group of people being targeted.
Would that same student be in trouble if they said that the Earth is really flat and not a sphere, that is a statement of fact because biologically women do have vaginas and is what nature gave them in order to fulfil one of natures most fundamental objectives and that is continuation of the species, no vagina and you must be a male. It is also true albeit debatable that in most cases men are stronger than women and again nature gave men a heavier build to allow them to do more manual work such as protection of the species to ensure reproduction is not impacted, unfortunately nature may have got some of this wrong because we are now way over populated as a planet, a boat can only take so many people before it capsizes.A law student who said that women have vaginas and are not as physically strong as men is being investigated by her university.
Do you think we are over populated or just managing resources badly?we are now way over populated as a planet,