A little help required for sketchup


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Established Member
4 Sep 2005
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Thurrock, Essex
I've never got on with sketchup. I hated it in fact, and being a designer myself, I hated that I couldn't get on with it. So over the weekend and bank holiday I've sent myself back to school and started watching all the sketchup tutorial vid's and I'm starting to come around to it.

This is a part of the design for my competition entry, a kind of sofa/console table.


I have two queries that I can't find the answer to via google. Hopefully one of you sketchup guru's can help shed some light.

The first question is: How do I put an object inside another? In the picture you can see the openings for some drawers, I want to create a drawer and be able to slide it half-way in to show the runners (the oval cut-outs on the dividers).

The second questions is more of a design one. I want to be able to have different views of the piece as the design becomes more detailed - to help with the build.

I.e I want to be able to have a print out of the carcass going together - another of the drawer components, and a third of the frame/legs and maybe a few others - is it possible to do this in a single sketchup project, or would I have to export out only the components I want in a view to seperate files?

Cheers John, I shall take a look.

I've managed to sort the first question out - I was trying to fit a drawer in without much luck, only to realise I had my measurements wrong, it goes together nicely now :)
BB. It's funny how things have to be the right size to fit, isn't it? ;)

As to making different views, they are called Scenes in SketchUp. You can make scenes via the View>Animation menu. Place the camera where you want it for the desired view and add the scene. You can also make changes to the style and choose Parallel Projection if desired.

In addition to the link John posted, take a look at my most recent entry in the blog, too.
http://finewoodworking.taunton.com/item ... n-drawings
Thanks, Dave - I've subscribed to the blog and will start reading over the various posts. A lot of the concepts are still quite confusing at the moment, but at least I've finally broken it's back so to speak and managed to actually get what's in my head onto the screen.
I know there's a big time zone difference but perhaps we could work out a time to talk via Skype and do a "live" demo. I can set things up so you can see my screen and I can show you how to deal with scenes and layers and so on.
That would be great Dave, you are very generous man!

I'm used to talking to people across the pond, so working out a time should be easier enough. I probably won't be ready for a while though as I'm still just getting my feet wet, and I would like to get the first model somewhat complete before I think about the scenes..
When you're ready we'll work out a time. If you want a hand with the modeling in general, we can deal with that in the same way, too. You could e-mail the model to me and we can work with it on screen.

Your a gentleman and a scholar Dave - I'll do some more work/learning on the current model to get used to the basic concepts, and give you an email towards the end of the week if that's ok with you?