3 Phase Help


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I’m with @Chief Sawdust Maker. Anyone who isn’t fully competent messing around with 3 phase is simply an idiot asking to die. 415V doesn’t tickle, it kills if you get it wrong. It doesn’t smell, it doesn’t leak creating a puddle of electricity, it doesn’t give you any indication it’s there, it just lurking ready to kill you instantly.
If you can’t afford to get it done by a qualified person, you can’t afford to have it. Dead is dead, you won’t have saved anything.

You wouldn’t be asking how to change the gas pipes in your home which is actually far less dangerous than messing about with single phase never mind 3 phase. So why people think they can without a clue what they are doing mess around with electrics is beyond me.
I'd advise installing 5 pin sockets / 5 core cable everywhere, rather than 4. Your machines may not need the neutral right now, but you'll be thankful of the provision when you want to install a 230V light on your bandsaw without an extra socket, for example.
When will people realise that an electrician is a skilled job
A proper electrician is a skilled job, don't forget we have the partially trained domestic installers that are only trained to throw wiring into a domestic property and should be kept well away from industrial and three phase machinery.

but you need to balance the load across the phases, which will need to be calculated.
The best option is to keep all single phase outlets on the same phase, this way you can never exceed 230 volts. If you have single phase sockets on different phases then you have the potential for incidents involving 400 volts between the loads connected.

Your machines may not need the neutral right now, but you'll be thankful of the provision when you want to install a 230V light on your bandsaw without an extra socket, for example.
That was the case back in the seventies & eighties but now with the low current demand of LED lights it is often just as easy to use a DIN rail mounted 400 to 24 volt power supply for the light or just a mag light.
You are of course entitled to your opinion on my post and comments.
However I would say that they are neither ignorant or inaccurate
My post makes general points with regards the issues of electrical instillations
The 5 points that you make do not reflect what the post actually said

You don't have to answer to me or anyone else my comments were made with goodwill and experience
I have no control over how they are interpretated
It is ignorant and frankly rude to claim someone does not understand the skills, quality and technical knowledge of electricians, as you did.
People who I’ve worked with for many years.
Sparkies get a good ribbing on site for being the cleanest and always on breaks but no one second guesses their skill level and the technical nature of their work.

Sometimes people have to be slightly unconventional because they are short of funds. You cannot magic money out of thin air and I need to get this workshop up and running asap to start making money. If I don’t I’ll loose everything I’ve spent 3 years working towards.

Just because I’m making investigations into certain things, doesn’t mean I’m going to do them.

That aside, I appreciate your concern for peoples safety. Others have been cautious and mentioned safety concerns as well.
Which I share.
I've made it this far and still alive.
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On safety: DIY work will be done with or without anyone's blessing, that's just the way it is.

I think it's far more productive to educate than to chastise.
On safety: DIY work will be done with or without anyone's blessing, that's just the way it is.

I think it's far more productive to educate than to chastise.
I’m all for education, but I also know that nobody can know enough to handle 415V by a ‘bit of sketchy’ advise on a forum. Some people on here know what they are talking about, some simply think they do. At 415V your entering the world of ark flash as a real danger, fire and electrocution which in virtually all cases is fatal.
Now I will happily sit with someone and show them and guide them how to install electrics where I know my knowledge and experience is appropriate. But, to offer advise on a forum to someone who may well be highly skilled in other areas but not electrics and has by their questions demonstrated they have absolutely no comprehension of what they are doing is simply ridiculous. To me it’s the same as letting a toddler play with a lighter!