A Big Thank You


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Established Member
3 Aug 2009
Reaction score
Just North of Liverpool
A week or two ago I did a small favour for one of the other members on the forum. I won't name any names, but it was literally a ten minute job, cost me nothing.

Yesterday, a small package arrived in the post


a hand turned screwdriver made from spalted holly from the members own garden, by way of thanks!

I was genuinely moved, and that's not something that happens to me very often. There's time and skill invested in it, but most importantly thought and that's something you just don't see every day, so I just wanted to say thank you.


It's the little things that matter - nice to see.

Anybody know where the screwdiver insert can be obtained?

Sorry for the hijack :oops:

Scouse":3hl2t4hp said:
A week or two ago I did a small favour for one of the other members on the forum. I won't name any names, but it was literally a ten minute job, cost me nothing.
Bah, you must have done something pretty special yourself to have deserved something so beautiful and unique. Lovely.
That is absolutely stunning! I have some spalded holly courtesy of another member here who shall remain nameless but is a bench and drill nut....and I was going to turn it in the next few days and now I am convinced it is the perfect wood for the job in hand! Bravo...whoever made it...brilliant =D> =D> =D>

Harbo":1ym17oze said:
Axminster sell them as well


I believe you Rod...truly I do...but I can't find them for the life of me...long day at work...brain frazzled...got a link to either FleaBay or Axminster or to what I am supposed to call them...tried "Screwdriver"+ insert...project....bits....thingy....wotzit...

Help an old man here! :mrgreen:

jimi43":13y6fpf7 said:
Harbo":13y6fpf7 said:
Axminster sell them as well


I believe you Rod...truly I do...but I can't find them for the life of me...long day at work...brain frazzled...got a link to either FleaBay or Axminster or to what I am supposed to call them...tried "Screwdriver"+ insert...project....bits....thingy....wotzit...


I'm sure they'll turn up for 10p if you're early enough to beat the dealers...

Paul Chapman":t72d3lux said:
jimi43":t72d3lux said:
Ah...no...I was looking for the posh brass ones as above....

Can't find them anywhere....more clues needed! :oops:

CK do them, either in sets with the bits or you can get them individually http://www.cktoolshop.co.uk/index.php?m ... ts_id=3850

Cheers :wink:


Close...but no cigar...that one on Scouse's pressie is posh...and £14! :shock: But thanks for looking mate.... 8)

I think I will do as BB suggests... :mrgreen: There is a dealer at one of the bigger bootfairs I frequent....who has posher tools, still from China but the QS equivalent of quality. Sounds like a dismantling job is on the cards if I want the right insert...unless Pete wants to spill the beans on the FleaBay secret..... :wink:

jimi43":2yjoxail said:
Close...but no cigar...that one on Scouse's pressie is posh...

I dunno, I thought they were quite posh



Certainly upper crust, if not old school tie :lol:

Cheers :wink:

Paul Chapman":gk7b6s2s said:
jimi43":gk7b6s2s said:
Close...but no cigar...that one on Scouse's pressie is posh...

I dunno, I thought they were quite posh



Certainly upper crust, if not old school tie :lol:

Cheers :wink:


Paul...with your skills...they are bleedin' posh mate! Bravo!

Are those ferrules or have you embedded the CK one into a block of brass?

I may be searching for something that doesn't exist...the one-piece insert....that's what the OP image looked like but now I wonder.....

I suppose I can turn up a middle bit out of brass rod with a suitable hole for the thinner insert...and thread the back side to accept a bolt to bed in the wood...mmmm

Thanks mate....I wasn't implying you ain't posh old chap...honest! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

jimi43":1j7wwuy6 said:
Are those ferrules or have you embedded the CK one into a block of brass?

I may be searching for something that doesn't exist...the one-piece insert....that's what the OP image looked like but now I wonder.....

I suppose I can turn up a middle bit out of brass rod with a suitable hole for the thinner insert...and thread the back side to accept a bolt to bed in the wood...mmmm

They are just ordinary ferrules. I think if you want a classier looking ferrule you might have to turn it yourself - I've not seen any available commercially.

PS I'm not really posh :lol:

Cheers :wink:

I buy mine from AI - generally at Yandles:


Brass ones do look posh but I prefer the pull lock type.

Some inspiring work indeed there guys!

So much so that this afternoon I pulled out all my brass stock and found some solid rod the right size....which I think I will mate with a brass one...bootfair, fleaBay....will have a look around.

I even found some old holly offcuts from my clearance a while back that appear to have spalted (?) themselves....so cut it into the right size logs ready for the weekend....we shall see...it may just have rotted! :mrgreen:

So the concensus is that you can't actually buy brass inserts...like you can for pens then? :cry:
