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RobinBHM":3fzjazl1 said:
I believe that dog bins get emptied and end up in landfill.
They're supposed to be incinerated or taken to an industrial composting facility that is geared toward pet waste, AFAIK... That's why there are seperate bins specifically.

RobinBHM":3fzjazl1 said:
It bugs me that some dog owners use non biodegradable bags, like old supermarket bags.
Well you won't want to get a *brand new* one all dirty, do you...?

RobinBHM":3fzjazl1 said:
What about those bags that are left hanging on trees or hedgerows? I have always assumed that they are left by people when dont want to carry a bag all the way round a walk, but then forget to collect on the back. Maybe they have been left as the bags actually biodegradable..........
If there are loads on the one tree, that's from people who went out of their way to pick up the poo of dog and cat and rabbit and horse and whatever else (it's surprising how many people can't tell the difference), bagged it and left it like that "to shame the few" who don't pick up after their pup... left it hanging from a tree, right above everyones' heads...!!

RogerS":3fzjazl1 said:
Just exactly what sort of 'undergrowth' do you have? If it's brambly type of stuff then your bag is just going to hang there like a faecal Xmas decoration. Just great. Super.
I said into, not casually in the vague direction of...
I mean a proper fling, directly into the base of a thick load of bramble or other suitable bundle of plantlife below the leaf level, not only in waste ground far from the footpath and where no livestock or human being would ever be able to reach without ripping themselves to shreds, but in an area where no livestock or humans would ever find themselves in the first place, me typically choosing areas far away from livestock to begin with, and all... The last people who might have had livestock within 850yds of that area would have been the Romans.

RogerS":3fzjazl1 said:
We had a numpty fling a bag into our hedge and when I went to retrieve it discovered that they are not very strong.
I can see how that may colour your perception of anyone trying out alternative solutions. There is a common sense aspect to these things. It's not an excuse to leave it wherever. The idea is you place it somewhere well out of people's way, where it and the contents decompose naturally.

RogerS":3fzjazl1 said:
Or if it's fern type undergrowth then that's not much of a barrier to a kid.
Ah, so THAT's how you keep the destructive little spawn from tresspassing?
Good to know... :lol:

RogerS":3fzjazl1 said:
Incidentally, what is all this business about septic tanks etc?
Cess and septics are adversely affected by the bags, as they cannot degrade due to the lack of oxygen and sunlight, resulting in the septic system being disrupted and the contents of both later going straight on to the sewage system disposal points whenever they are emptied - Same reason you don't flush them into the main sewers.

RogerS":3fzjazl1 said:
How do you dispose of your dog cr*p when you pick it up off the street ? Or do you fling the disposable bag into someone's garden ?
We don't have streets in this part of town. No really, the roads have almost no pavements, except outside the occasional house if it's close to the road... and even then we go out the back directly into open land anyway. The farmer is also our landlord and we do with our dogs as he does with his.
However, for home use we do keep our own specific dog waste box that gets taken up the local civic amenity site, where they accept non-commercial animal waste.

RogerS":3fzjazl1 said:
I stand by my original comment. Don't be lazy. Take it home. Don't litter.
Do you similarly dress down cat owners and horse riders too? Farmers with livestock that get moved around?
TBH, the more I have to handle it, the greater the chance of anything nasty being spread and the greater the risk to me and anyone else who touches whatever else I may have come into contact with... like the handle of the gate ("Remember, kids: SHUT THAT GATE") you're about to open.