hi everyone im looking to buy a bandsaw I have 600 to spend can anyone give me some pointers please ive got a planer/thicknesses from lumberjack and there 14inch bandsaw looks value for money its only for small/medium workshop thanks
A word of caution.In June I decided I needed a larger cut on my bandsaw as the old Axminster machine only had a 5" cut depth. I looked around and was contemplating a Record BS350 but then got lured by the Charnwood B350 from Yandles - same spec almost, but up to 1" blade and nearly £200 less. OK so I bought it. After 30 days thrust bearing screaming so I investigated and found top bearing seized and lower bearing sticking. Contacted Yandles who contacted Charnwood. Whilst waiting for a response, I investigated further and looked at the instructions (meagre) specified in the manual. 0.5mm clearance they say -OK. However when the blade guide is lowered there is a 2.5 mm fore and aft play on the slide so it is not possible to adjust for 0.5 mm gap specified. Result is when locked down you can have either a large gap between blade and bearing or the blade is running on the bearing, not a good design and unacceptable in my opinion. Hence my bearing being kaput. Have been back and forth between Yandles and Charnwood ever since without a resolution to the problem. Charnwood have sent me 2 new bearings and say that all the machines are like that so it's not an issue! I beg to differ, especially if I have to change the bearings on a monthly basis. I am still waiting to hear back from them both.hi everyone im looking to buy a bandsaw I have 600 to spend can anyone give me some pointers please ive got a planer/thicknesses from lumberjack and there 14inch bandsaw looks value for money its only for small/medium workshop thanks
My 352 “needed” a 16A supply, however the cable going from the contactor to the motor (as installed by Startrite) was not rated at 16A, so I’ve been running it off a 13A just fine, even down a 20m extension cable off a 13A fused spur. I’m not saying that’s the ideal solution, but might be worth remembering if a good 352 comes up for sale local to you
I don't think I've ever seen a 352 with a 16A plug, they only had a 1hp motor which is well within the 13A threshold.
We have different ideas of "long"I have seen many power tools run from 30 metre extension cables.
If the cable isnt fully unwound it can catch fire before the fuse blows. A metre or even two is neither here nor there.
The cable is on an open spool for exactly that reason, though I’ve never found an extension cable to be even warm, has anyone seen one catch fire?