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  1. C

    Curvy Oak Kitchen

    Beautiful - you should be very proud!
  2. C

    P/T unpacking help

    Thank you for all your help and advice - the collective wisdom of the forum has resulted in success! Firstly, I turned the pallet through 90 degrees using a 2x4 with leverage from the back wall: Then I used a car jack to attach to rear wheels: I then made a ramp with a side from the...
  3. C

    P/T unpacking help

    Thanks guys. BTW: I wouldn't dream of lifting the P/T by the bed - that was drummed into me by my D&T teacher over 17 years ago. I doubt the cast iron could take the tensile forces even if I tried. I should have clarified that the wheel kit is a 'jockey bar' type with two wheels mounted on...
  4. C

    P/T unpacking help

    Dear all, I've recently acquired a new P/T and began to unpack it today. However, I'm unable to think of a safe way that I can get it off the delivery palette by myself. Here is a picture (sorry for the poor quality): I made the mistake of allowing the delivery man to store it hard against...
  5. C

    Don't try this at home....or anywhere else.

    Does anybody know how he made such a clean cut to form the hatch?
  6. C

    Badger Watching

    Sorry Mike!
  7. C

    Badger Watching

    Sorry, I've got to pull that apart now. When we artificially introduced them [greys] we were interrupting the natural order so are you suggesting that to satisfy our own ego we should now control them? For your information, the reason greys are so prevalent is because they have developed...
  8. C

    Badger Watching

    Another ill-informed observation. The buying power and monopoly of the super-markets allows them to dictate wholesale prices, regardless of whether the raw food stuffs are grown sustainably. The monopoly has occurred through thirty years of co-operative integration and shareholder pressure...
  9. C

    Badger Watching

    Needn't reduce human population but prevent the insane wastage and over-production whilst accepting that there will be an increased financial cost to sustainable food sources. I'm shocked at your short-sightedness, you just don't get it! Imposing your will on the squirrels and corvidae...
  10. C

    Badger Watching

    P.S. I'm from farming stock, but have realised that sustainable farming is about find a balance with the envrionment. There are too many farmers who are either ignorant or have simply been negatively programmed through the generations to realise this.
  11. C

    Badger Watching

    And mankind hasn't dug even greater ruddy holes? Probably destroying badger habitat in the process! Come on Roy, we share this world with these wonderful creatures and if farming wasn't so intensive then there would be a natural equilibrium. I'm no 'eco warrior' but a badger can never be...
  12. C

    2hp compressor and tools

    It is a good value deal but a little too far for me.
  13. C

    2hp compressor and tools

    Where are you/your contact based?
  14. C

    architect fees

    Dear Big Soft Moose, I was in the same position as you - I knew exactly what I required, considered myself to have good PM and construction skills, yet too tight to pay for what would be a simple drafting exercise for an Architect. I'm also a chartered engineer, so I know my way around a...
  15. C

    holly logs - any good?

    I've got the tools and space/time to plank and dry it so the direct cost is minimal - so I'd only take a labour hit. I wouldn't be looking to sell it on, I'm just curious as to whether I'd make a worthwhile saving if I decided to create something with it....
  16. C

    holly logs - any good?

    Thanks Cornucopia (and thank you Wizer for the comedy as always...), I asked because I have a 30-40cm diameter holly tree that is approx 8m high, which I intend to take down in the near future. Would it be worth bothering to plank and dry it? I hear that holly is used for decorative inlays...
  17. C

    holly logs - any good?

    May I ask if anyone knows what typical value of green holly is?
  18. C

    Blanket Chest - Finished!! (Photo's on page 8)

    Well done Olly, your patience has finally paid off!
  19. C

    A pic of one of my Newfies on his birthday

    In the spirit of things, here are my terrible twosome: Lily & Daisy. They are a pair of naughty Weimaraner puppies, but you wouldn't think it to look at them, butter wouldn't melt...thats because it will have been swiped off the counter, shredded and swallowed whilst your back is turned! I...
  20. C

    Links in MS Windows have changed

    You can try this... 1. Open IE. 2. Hold-down the "Ctrl" key and click the maximise button/icon without releasing the "Ctrl" key, now close IE using the "X" button/icon whilst still keeping "Ctrl" pressed". This problem can be an absolute pain to eradicate completely. Good luck, Chris