I was doing some woodwork last night, and happened to look at two old saws side by side. One was this one:
Made by E Garlick & Son, Sheffield, with a Lynx brand:
No great mystery there; it's easy enough to find (from the Thomas Flinn website) that the current company bought the brand in 1999 and that the Garlicks started making saws in Sheffield in 1858. It's a nice saw that I bought in a mixed box of tools.
But I also have this one, bought for a fiver on eBay when nobody else was looking:
which is by G Preston of Sheffield - not the better known Edward Preston of Birmingham - and also features the rather whiskery lynx (though somewhat more cheerful, I think):
So we have what must be an unusual example of two different saw makers both using the same branding. I wonder if Preston had the mark first and then sold it to the Garlicks - but the Garlick factory was the Lynx Works so that seems unlikely.
Backsaw.net doesn't list G Preston at all. I did find one old reference on the Old Tools archive to a saw by "Geo Preston" who is presumably our man, but the trail seems to go cold quite quickly. Anyone else got any ideas? Or cases of a brand being sold or shared like this?

Made by E Garlick & Son, Sheffield, with a Lynx brand:

No great mystery there; it's easy enough to find (from the Thomas Flinn website) that the current company bought the brand in 1999 and that the Garlicks started making saws in Sheffield in 1858. It's a nice saw that I bought in a mixed box of tools.
But I also have this one, bought for a fiver on eBay when nobody else was looking:

which is by G Preston of Sheffield - not the better known Edward Preston of Birmingham - and also features the rather whiskery lynx (though somewhat more cheerful, I think):

So we have what must be an unusual example of two different saw makers both using the same branding. I wonder if Preston had the mark first and then sold it to the Garlicks - but the Garlick factory was the Lynx Works so that seems unlikely.
Backsaw.net doesn't list G Preston at all. I did find one old reference on the Old Tools archive to a saw by "Geo Preston" who is presumably our man, but the trail seems to go cold quite quickly. Anyone else got any ideas? Or cases of a brand being sold or shared like this?