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10 Aug 2020
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I watch a Youtuber that often has me thinking of you guys so I figured I'd share.

He covers our quirky little differences and I love it.

What are you guys watching? Any suggestions? Channels, videos, I'm open to all of it.
Currently watching one of my subscriptions- Pete's Tools...
He's a (very) quirky New Zealander, does do tool reviews (after a fashion) but 'not a good influence' on newbies lol

(about 6 mins long)

warning, Pete's been known to swear a bit (standard for Aussies and Kiwi's, delicate US ears might get offended lol)
Edit- the fact he's got a beer in the thumbnail gives you an idea he's a bit of a larrikin lol
Its not easy to find YouTube presenters who convey their subject matter well rather than their often grating personalities. Many also have ludicrously silly and dangerous subject matter. Happy the day to discover something worth watching!

Just recently Chris Pye (who seems to be retiring) has begun to put all of his formerly pay-for videos up on YouTube for free. As a highly critical observer of vids (lip every-ready to curl as the one eyebrow raises in distain) I found the Pye videos excellent, not just very good or satisfactory. He's clear, concise, unambiguous, complete and personable in a way that lets you ignore his personality in favour of taking in all the excellent and instructive information.

As one just attempting to move from spoon & bowl carving of greenwood to the much more demanding relief carving in dry hardwoods, I'm setting out with both his 34 vid playlist "carving course" but also a number of playlists containing vids about various particular relief carvings and how to do them.

Marvellous! I might put a lifetime's habit away and actually become a fan of a sleb! (Well, no - for all I know he may eat kittens for breakfast, despite his excellent vids and a reputed inclination towards the Buddha). :)
Simon's Cat is worth watching if you like cats.
A lot of the "how to" content is over verbose, and is often irrelevant in the UK anyway.
Dangerous as well a lot of it.
Pedulla Studios, Bradshaw Joinery and the New Yorkshire Workshop are some of my favourites.
I've got about twenty in my subscription list, a rather 'interesting' mix from electricians (Artisan, and Nick Bundy from the UK) to plumbers (The Drain Addict from Sydney here in Oz) to towing companies (Ron Platt (Midwest Towing) and Plaza towing (both heavy haulage towers in the US), as well as a couple of offroad tow companies (Matts Offroad, Recovery Team, and Trailmater Offroad), Big Clive (electronics teardowns from the Isle of Mann) and Dashcams Australia (their content has jumped dramatically in number (and scariness) since covid...

Matts Offroad does some crazy recoveries (like this one- Suzuki with its rear axle torn off- recovering on a 4wd track!!!)

(I am still convinced that covid screwed up everyones brain function- I drive personally about 5000km a week driving a truck, and what used to be a 'once a month- worthy of Dashcam Australia' clip of people doing stupid stuff happened personally to me once or twice a month- now its several a WEEK- people ignoring stopsigns, overtaking when they shouldn't, driving the wrong way down the road, going the wrong way around roundabouts, shooting redlights- its been crazy out there... and its getting worse...)
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