Yeti Tools Ltd (Smartbench CNC) placed into Administration

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UKW Supporter
26 Dec 2017
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United Kingdom
This is a belated report as it took place in July 2024, but the UK company who designed and developed the Smartbench range of transportable CNC routers were placed into Administration this summer.

Yeti Tools sold some thousands of their distinctive machines, many of them overseas, but have the following announcement up on the facebook and instagram pages.

It was a shame to read this as they had a machine on display at the Materials and Finishes 2024 show earlier this year which can only have been a few weeks before the announcement.

So, from July 2024:

Dear Yeti's
It is with great sadness that as of today, Yeti Tool Ltd has been entered into administration and will cease trading with immediate effect.

The process gives some time for our administrators to see if they can find interested parties who might wish to help us carry on the journey. Let's see what happens !

We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge "thank you" to all of our customers, Distribution Partners, and suppliers.

When we started the business in 2018, we never thought we would manufacture and sell over 2500 units worldwide. It has been one incredible journey. We are all sad that it has come to an end.

If you have any queries, plese contact campbell, Crossley & Davis on 01253 349331 or at [email protected]


Does any one have any more recent news about the company ?
As the instagram and facebook pages are still up, but not updated, I would assume their Administrators are still trying to sell the intellectual property or manufacturing rights.

Thanks Doug, I missed that one at the time and never thought to search the site - duh !

I'm still curious to know if there have been any developments since the summer.

I've only just become aware of it! There £5000 on ebay but there compact I guess.
To be honest I thought the yeti & smart bench were one & the same thing so was surprised when at Harrogate seeing Trend still selling the Smart bench 🤷‍♂️
According to the g sharp guy trend are prone to sharp practice!
Just talked to Trend UK support and asked if they knew anything we didnt, because tey are still selling the yeti smartbenches.
Support person said Trend UK was taking over yeti og will continue the production and sale of the yeti products.

Anyone heard anything to corroborate this?
Just talked to Trend UK support and asked if they knew anything we didnt, because tey are still selling the yeti smartbenches.
Support person said Trend UK was taking over yeti og will continue the production and sale of the yeti products.

Anyone heard anything to corroborate this?
Yes it’s confirmed and obviously a great outcome.
