The Tattooed One
It’s a monster of a bench but it looks fantastic and that vice looks amazing! I hope it gets the use it deserves and post up your projects 

Thanks, @Jameshow - if you do, post it on here and make it a beauty!Well done!
I think I'm going to have to build myself a new bench!!
Cheers James
Really smashing bench, you obviously take pride in your work and have the patience to succeed – I sometimes think that patience is one of the most important thing a woodworker needs.
If you haven’t yet drilled all your dog holes for those rather nice bench holdfasts (Gramercy?), I read something that I thought was really good, and that was to wait until you want to hold something down and then drill a hole to do it with, some people drill regimented lines up and down their benches and never use 90% of them. Ian
Ps I think maybe you saw a YouTube video I recommended by Mike Siemens?
Top hole Stel. I'd be happy to show anyone a job like that, were it in my shop. Looks like you didn't need Chris's book in the end!
Now... dovetails. That's a whole different pound of nails.
CS has done a DVD describing a simpler, plywood construction for his tool chest. Nothing wrong with it and it will take you days rather than weeks. A tool chest that will serve you quite well while you sharpen your skills. I never got round to it myself due to hospitalisation last year so I will potter on! In any case the Gas engineers are under my feet at the moment.
Or 25mm ply? Now twist in that. Quite workable as a topYou're right. I've just looked at prices for hardwood and I think I'll be sticking with redwood pine!
Or 25mm ply? Now twist in that. Quite workable as a top