workshop planning submission

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Established Member
22 Jul 2014
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An architect is close to submitting plans for an extension and I would like to include in the plans drawings for a workshop measuring about 30 sq meters.
I am in a conservation area and therefore can't get away with permitted development.
My thoughts are to have it about 75 metres from the house at the end of the garden and keeping it 2m away from the boundaries.
The architect tends to drag his feet, and I wanted to find a way to sketch a workshop drawing to submit with the plans quickly.

Am I right in thinking that as long as I correctly stipulate where it is going to be that I do not need an architect's drawings upon submission.
I do not anticipate any issues but the last thing I want is plans for the workshop to scupper the extension to the house. When I discussed the workshop with the architect, he did say that if the planners had issues with the workshop, then we could withdraw that part of the planning application.
I already have plans that were drawn up a while back by another architect who is now deceased but on a smaller scale. I can't use them but they are so simple and wondered whether it would be tasking to use something like Sketchup.
You dont need architects drawings at all. I’ve just completed a submission where I drew the plans and sent them in as a .pdf. As long as it’s scaled correctly you will be fine.
They will want plan and elevations (and a site map).

Apologies if this is teaching to suck eggs, but have you checked your Article 4 direction does remove Class E rights? Mine, for instance, hasn't - it's all about conserving the street view, which is often the case.
Simple sketched, scaled line drawings showing all elevations and a roof plan would suffice for planning, the site plan which will be part of your extension proposal would also need to show its proposed location.

With regards Sketchup, I draw all my building plans with it, but I also have the Sketchup layout package bolted on, which makes the drawings and presentations coherent.

For example a simple "shed":

How easy is it to use sketch up to do that?
Its all in the learning curve, for me, having spent quite a few years developing the skills and knowledge to use it, it becomes second nature, as with most things.

I would be more than happy to help, if you PM me with some details and dimensions, I can draft a basic drawing up.

I don't log in very often so if you do PM, me post on here that you have.

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