Workbench Design

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I have to say this Parf system is the absolute bee's bollocks.

I've made lots of holes, will post a photo later.

So today I found a monumental cock-up. The front panel of the base had a gap in it which was meant to be where the dog holes were going to sit. Whilst drilling said dog holes I ran straight into a piece of wood behind them.

Yeah you guessed it - I fitted the base parts upside down and the gap is where the groove is. Oh well.
Welcome to the club :LOL:

I have one hole right on top of the piece of wood that supports the vice, i.e. it's now just a shallow hole rather than through hole. At least I can still put a dog in there, and use it to clamp stuff with the vice
Mines open except for a low bottom shelf which is liftoutable.
I've tried benches with a flush closed front (drawers doors etc) but feel happier with knee and toe room. Also the workpiece itself may be in front of the drawers/doors and you can't open them.
I'm also keen on a deep apron - for stiffness overall but also as a vertical fixing/holding surface for clamps, hold downs, pegs in hole etc. Or if I need to prop up something heavy in the vice at one end - the other end on a vertical batten clamped to the apron, or a block screwed on etc
My favourite design is the classic British bench. as per school, college, industrial workshop everywhere, a few years ago:

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I have one hole right on top of the piece of wood that supports the vice, i.e. it's now just a shallow hole rather than through hole. At least I can still put a dog in there, and use it to clamp stuff with the vice

As long as it doesn't get packed full of shavings a shallow hole may be all you need, BenchDogs do a really short dog that's one of the "twist to lock" style, it's absolutely rock solid and dead accurate.
Mines the one single trad bench dog or 'planing stop" as per bench above. A long 32mm square piece of hardwood tight in a hole. Hammer it up from below and vice versa. If it gets a bit untidy just plane a bit off the top end.
Hi BillW,

My first post on the forum! Your bench looks very similar to the HookedOnWood design - which I'm planning to make myself soon. It looks very handsome in that purple valchromat too. I was just wondering what Osmo finish you were talking about? And is it to preserve the top or more for the overall appearence?
That was a really interesting read Bill ... and your cat is great too.

I considered Dennis's design as well as Matt Estlea's too. In the end I decided on The Woodgrafter bench. It just, kind of, seemed like something that would really stretch my capabilities and teach me a load of new stuff. It was also a great opportunity to splash out on a few new power tools with my wife's blessing.

I bought my Valchromat here : Valchromat Engineered Wood Fibreboard | Chiltern Timber

You've made an excellent job of your bench and I hope you will enjoy using it.

As for me, I'm still planning and thicknessing the components for the top ... so just starting out .... but really enjoying the new power tools though!

Thanks for sharing your woodworking journey with us.