When a man grows old


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Established Member
18 Oct 2016
Reaction score
Blue mountains Australia
Well I have decided I need to take the weight off the old legs more often working at the bench. I do have an old office chair in the shed but it is a bit on the low side and being on wheels its not great doing any work on as it wants to back away from the bench. Time for a shop stool.
Was going to use pine but had some plain looking bits of New Guinea Rosewood that had been passed over from another project. Hummed and hawed wheather to do the whole thing with planes and spokeshaves but as I would have turned the tennons in any case the lazy gene kicked in and it became a lathe project.
IMG_1781.JPG Mark out then drill for legs at set angle
Then turning and sanding the parts.
Tenons will be wedged so cut slots for that.
Then a dry fit to see how it looks.
Thats as far as I have got and am now waiting for a cool day to do the glue up. Over 35* in the shed so have retreated indoors.
You can make it any size that suits. 12'' is kind of the standard 3 leg stool seat size. Its also the max swing over the lathe bed and I was keeping things simple. I can always rustle up another if I needs be.
Thats as far as I have got and am now waiting for a cool day to do the glue up. Over 35* in the shed so have retreated indoors.

Nice stool but opposite problem here - waiting for workshop to warm up to >10°C before I can glue-up. 🥶
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Very plesant temperature in the shed today so glued it up and wedged the tenons.
IMG_1790 - Copy.JPGIMG_1791.JPGIMG_1792.JPG
Thats the first one I have done with cross rails and the glueup is a bit of a wrestle. One of those jobs where another arm would have been handy. Glue everywhere. Tomorrow I will tidy things up and slap a bit of a finish on it.
Nice and +1 from me too for stool use in the workshop.

I have a couple of old school lab style stools which work a treat for me and were picked up for a fiver each.

Making stools is one of those "When I have a free slot I'll do it" projects. I'll get around to it some time. Hopefully they will be a nice as the ones you've made.
Funny you should say that, an old relative of my OH had a handrail put up in her garden and asked what colour to paint it, she eventually came around to my suggestion of Pillar box Red.
They say most woodwork projects have a mistake in them so I will fess up. Thought I had marked the cuts for the top wedges to be a right angles to the grain of the seat but come glue up time the f##kup fairy called by the shed.
View attachment 194518
Living and learning.
These things happen...
All is well thus far... :)
Beautiful stool!