Woodturning Tools


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Established Member
31 Dec 2017
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I have been doing woodturning for about a year now and I bought the Axminster essential set as it is called now. However I am looking to upgrade some of the tools and expand what I have.

I am looking for another 3/8 Spindle Gouge, 3/8 Bowl gouge, 1/2 bowl gouge but I have some questions about some other tools I have seen which I would assume are classed as specialist maybe?

Anyway the spindle gouges and bowl gouges I have found that Henry Taylor, Hamlet (same company from what I can gather), Robert Sorby and Crown are all definite step ups from what I currently have. I use the fingernail profile on both my spindle and bowl gouges. I have also read that potentially certain flutes maybe better for certain grinds... But everything is a bit of a nightmare... I think from what I have read (and this could be wrong!) that the parabolic (or elliptic as I think they are interchangeable terms) flute would be better for the bowl gouge? However no one seems to state what the flute design is on the told if its V, U or parabolic... now on Robert Sorby I think they said Deep Flute which I think is parabolic but again I could be wrong. When looking I cant really tell the different between what I am reading and visually seeing them but that could just be me not understanding what I am looking for!

So that's really my first question does any particular flute design make itself better for a particular grind or doesn't it matter? And if so what would be best and is parabolic the better choice of flute design?

As for the tools themselves I am happy to accept any recommendations that people have but I am looking at something which will last a while and also hold a good cutting edge. During my research I found that there seems to be M2 HSS, M42 Cryo, M2? Cryo, and PM? Looking at prices and some googling around M42 Cryo seems to be stronger because of its added carbon and the edge apparently lasts longer... However it may not get as sharp as the M2 HSS but will take longer to profile as its stringer steel which makes sense. The PM versions seem to be the most expensive so I am expecting these to be really sharp and hold their edge for a good while too. I think however I am probably not in the league for PM tools yet I would expect professionals etc to be using them!

So my question is here does anyone have any experience or recommendations on the M2 vs M42 Cryo vs PM steel? And is my research correct in the fact of M42 will hold an edge longer but wont be as sharp as the M2 so the M2 would give a better finish than the M42 but the M42 would continue cutting longer maybe like 2x as long before needing to be sharped?

As for the specialist question...

I am looking at things like the Mushroom Tool, Beading Tools, Crush Grind Tools and also looking to have a go at making some hollow forms. With regards to the hollow forms would anyone recommend starter tools or if a set would be better and if so what tools / sets would people recommend and why? As for the individual tools I mentioned what do people think of them? Are they worth it?

Thank you and sorry for the long post I hope it shows I have at least given a good attempt at getting the answer myself but just not quite there yet and would like that extra bit of guidance!
When looking I cant really tell the different between what I am reading and visually seeing them but that could just be me not understanding what I am looking for!
I'm sure you can understand what shape a 'V' tool is, but the difference between A 'U' and a Parabolic could well be more difficult to visualize. Here is a drawing of both; which may help you.

Gouge shapes.png
The height of the 'U' may well be more or less than I have drawn. The salient point is not affected by this.