Why I've been quiet recently...


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Established Member
29 Mar 2004
Reaction score
Rangiora, South Island, Aotearoa
Haven't posted for a while in large part due to having an arthroscopy operation on my right knee (keyhole surgery to remove torn cartilege).
The op was simple, my knee's aching a little but OK and not hurting as much as it was before the op, but the general anaesthetic has me knocked for six and I'm just knackered, with no desire to do anything at all really. To top it all a cold bug lurking in the house got me while the general still had me weakened and I've now got the worst cold I think I've ever had. I haven't even had a beer for nearly 2 weeks. :(
Still, at least it's nothing serious and the doc's given me another week off work. :)

(Used to be able to breathe) Pete
Hi Pete

Here's wishing you a speedy recovery. You certainly didn't need the cold on top of your surgery.

For what it's worth, I had a similar operation about 20 years ago and everything healed perfectly after a couple of weeks.

Get well soon. Anasthetic really does take it out of you.

Sorry to hear of the knee problem but it saved you a fortune, D & C advertised a one day sale last Saturday.

Get well soon.

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