Who knows about weed-killers please?


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Hi Bob,

20 years ago I would have accommodated them as guests of the West Mids Police.
These days I am a little older and slower, and I handed my uniform in when I retired! 8) I don't want to end up as a statistic in Birmingham's knife crime files; and no I amn't exaggerating. :(
BW one very effective way of persuading them to go elsewhere is to open ypur windows and play a lot of Barry Manilow or Wagner's Ring Cycle loudly. Warn the neighbours first to get them onside

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"Danger this ground is infected with Taraxacum officinale"
Sign of this nature is usually quite effective.

Yes Bod. No need for a sign. The lawn was yellow last week. Why d'you think i need a good weedkiller! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Back on thread at last... :mrgreen:
If you have a zoo close by, have a word with the lion keeper, I once heard that lion pooh sprayed (not deposited) in an area will keep us humans away from ground so treated. Therefore if Friday evening is the problem, spray during the afternoon. That should keep the pests at bay.
Cheers DW.

That might be a good idea, for later, but at the moment I want to kill the weeds, as opposed to feeding them.
I did try chicken manure last year, and it stank to high heaven. So I still had to keep my windows closed. 8)

I think on balance it will be a clearance, then planting some spiky, deterring vegetation and a picket fence to see if that gets the message home.
