Who knows about weed-killers please?


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DrPhill":1oavh5x5 said:
Why use a weed killer? Strim/brushcut, then rotavate, then put the weed control membrane over and cover with woodchip. If you are lucky the people who do the brush clearance for the council will have a couple of tons of the stuff to get rid of. It wont look as nice as bark chip, but who cares?

Just my tuppence


I would if I could. Back gone, knees gone. Hence having to get quotes of £120.00 :cry:
Random Orbital Bob":2hyof1rn said:
A bit like ground elder. I'm trying a new less back breaking method this season. We have a big patch under our raspberries and I can't even get near the roots without mullering the much loved fruit. I've started pinching out the fresh growing leaves at ground level. Doing this currently twice a week. Only takes about 30 seconds. The theory (I have) is that by denying them leaves they won't be able to photosynthesise and will eventually starve to death. I don't for a moment expect it will work :)

I believe it's quite tasty as a salad leaf or a veg Rob, but best google it to be sure before eating ! You might as well enjoy it while you get rid of it :lol:

Cheers, Paul
I've tried to buy sodium chlorate and three garden centres have told me they are no longer allowed to sell it. Glyphosate works but is a lot more expensive than sodium chlorate and isn't as effective for a long period (sodium chlorate seemed to kill off everything for up to six months).

Berberis is very effective as a barrier. I had a Berberis hedge at a previous property which the owner had planted to stop the kids sitting on the boundary wall. It certainly did the job but was a pain to prune, the thorns are vicious.

Regards Keith
Woodchips2":3gdibidd said:
I've tried to buy sodium chlorate and three garden centres have told me they are no longer allowed to sell it. Glyphosate works but is a lot more expensive than sodium chlorate and isn't as effective for a long period (sodium chlorate seemed to kill off everything for up to six months).

Berberis is very effective as a barrier. I had a Berberis hedge at a previous property which the owner had planted to stop the kids sitting on the boundary wall. It certainly did the job but was a pain to prune, the thorns are vicious.

Regards Keith

That's precisely the problem I am having. Yobs and not so young yobs, are sitting on the wall, and littering my lawn and borders with sickening garbage. (All happening since smoking in pubs was banned!)

It would be nice to have the Berberis cultivar Keith. Have you any idea of the name please? (Although the problem will probably migrate to my lawn. ) :roll:
Sodium Chlorate is no longer available.

Using Chemical ethically

Recent products withdrawn include the weedkiller sodium chlorate (last date of sale 30 September 2009), and rotenone (last date of sale 10 October 2009), an odourless chemical used as an insecticide, pesticide, and piscicide.
andys wood shed":1ndp1gfd said:
Rosate 36 from Amazon

Cheers, just had a read up and it seems to be the stuff I need.
Will get some ordered and applied.
Benchwayze":244e4p50 said:
Woodchips2":244e4p50 said:
I've tried to buy sodium chlorate and three garden centres have told me they are no longer allowed to sell it. Glyphosate works but is a lot more expensive than sodium chlorate and isn't as effective for a long period (sodium chlorate seemed to kill off everything for up to six months).

Berberis is very effective as a barrier. I had a Berberis hedge at a previous property which the owner had planted to stop the kids sitting on the boundary wall. It certainly did the job but was a pain to prune, the thorns are vicious.

Regards Keith

That's precisely the problem I am having. Yobs and not so young yobs, are sitting on the wall, and littering my lawn and borders with sickening garbage. (All happening since smoking in pubs was banned!)

It would be nice to have the Berberis cultivar Keith. Have you any idea of the name please? (Although the problem will probably migrate to my lawn. ) :roll:

It was Berberis thunbergii http://www.rhs.org.uk/Plants/2183/Japan ... ry/Details. It's quite a pretty plant but vigorous in growth and impenetrable when established.

Best of luck with the yobs, some fresh (smelly) manure stacked behind the wall ready for the planting could be a short-term solution to encourage them to sit elsewhere. Just be careful you don't infringe their human rights!

Regards Keith
There's only one weed killer I use now and that's Roundup Pro Biactive,
Takes about 10 to 14 days to kill most weeds and my customers are happy with the performance.

Berberis Darwinii and Thunbergii both make good tight hedges but the Stenophylla variety I always find grows straggly and can get unruly, have you thought about using Pyracantha instead of Berberis ?


Thanks Keith. I have heard of that one. I suppose I will have to pay someone to keep it trimmed back from the pavement. Then in the hope of keeping them off the lawn, maybe some low picket fencing. I think the Council will allow that at least. If not I'll hide it with berberis! Or maybe fire-thorn!

Yes Steve, as you see, I have thought of Pyracantha.


Simple, cheap and effective weed killer.... cheap supermarket bleach and cheap supermarket salt. Mix it up with as high a concentration of salt as you can get to dissolve. Pour it on. Job done. Smell fresh for about 24hrs. Works wonders and cheap as chips..
paulm":2h3t47cj said:
Random Orbital Bob":2h3t47cj said:
A bit like ground elder. I'm trying a new less back breaking method this season. We have a big patch under our raspberries and I can't even get near the roots without mullering the much loved fruit. I've started pinching out the fresh growing leaves at ground level. Doing this currently twice a week. Only takes about 30 seconds. The theory (I have) is that by denying them leaves they won't be able to photosynthesise and will eventually starve to death. I don't for a moment expect it will work :)

I believe it's quite tasty as a salad leaf or a veg Rob, but best google it to be sure before eating ! You might as well enjoy it while you get rid of it :lol:

Cheers, Paul
That's a good idea Paul. I usually do a few batches of nettle soup this time of year and that's delicious. Never tried GE but have heard its good eating.
Benchwayze":kejil9a7 said:
I have a patch of ground outside my boundary wall.


John who actually owns the land? If it's council owned they should maintain it, I had a problem with a 'play area' near to our house, it took sometime but I eventually got the council to maintain the area and keep it safe for use.

Baldhead":10bnxiue said:
Benchwayze":10bnxiue said:
I have a patch of ground outside my boundary wall.


John who actually owns the land? If it's council owned they should maintain it, I had a problem with a 'play area' near to our house, it took sometime but I eventually got the council to maintain the area and keep it safe for use.


It's my land BH. It's enclosed by a 12" wall, but the problem is, both it and my lawn at the side of the house, abut the footway. There is council 'greenery' on the opposite side of the grove, and passers by seem to think it's all Council owned. Private property signs have no effect. I took them down. I think it was making things worse. When the customers want to smoke 'whacky-baccie' they leave the pub's smoking area and congregate on my lawn, or sit on the low wall. Needless to say, I won't challenge a group of half-drunken pot-heads. As I mentioned; the Police don't seem too bothered. Presumably it's just pot, and as long as the yobs aren't dealing, they leave it be. (Just as they do on 'Interceptors'. :roll: ) If it carries on this year, as it did last Summer, I might consider a letter to the Chief-Constable.. We shall see. :?