New member
Hi, I am looking for some advice on a possible saw/bandsaw? I make jewellery and sculptural pieces from often 70+ 3-4mm thick wooden slats that I clamp together, carve, and join (rivet) I am exploring the potential of carving a block of wood and then cutting it into the slats (currently done with a handsaw). I have tried this on a small Proxxon table saw but had issues with the kerf, and when I reduce this, I lose the depth of cut. So, I thought of a band saw? I am unlikely to need a cut deeper than about 3-4” (sycamore, walnut, cherry, hawthorn, beech...) so I don't feel I need a big machine, but given the fine tolerance I work to, I need a very reliable fence/mitre fence which seems to come on bigger machines. I have looked at Record, BS300, Sabre300, and even Sabre 250 (I heard the fence is not good?). Ultimately, I need an accurate, reliable saw for relatively small work. I am not set on Record, and any advice would be gratefully received. Thank you, Patricia