Tony":2n7sirjz said:
Isn't the issue, and the reason most use Windows, down to avalaible software and it's compatibility?
My view on this is that the only real down fact on uf linux the attitude of microsfot and their tie with hardware manufactures who in turn do not invest in creating good drivers them selfs or make information avaibale so other can create a good driver. Also hardware is often tied into technology advised on by microsoft which makes it hard to write a driver for another OS than the lastest Windows release.
However since Vista has been released there has been a slight change. Hardware manufcatures have a hard time on writing drivers for Vista and some have desided not to write drivers that fully suipport all the featured the hardware provides. In order to make full use of the piece of hardware you need Windows XP. Also more manufacturers are creating drivers or help in their development.
The most things I hear about OSes are:
- There are no programs avaibale on Linux therefore I need to use Windows.
Surely thats not true. There are probably more programs availbale, and those programs habit into being more interoperable giving more flexiblity and tasks that can be performed.
- Everyone uses Windows so I can't use anything else because I can't communicate or share things.
Its hard to find anything than can't be shared, opened, saved or used in anyway on Linux that was created on a box runnig Windows or vice versa. There is always a way that is not that hard to find a program for or a file format that does not have compatibility issues.
- With Linux I have no support.
With Windows you don't have 'support' either. Try sending Microsoft an email with your problem, you'll get either no reply or receive an answer that does not help you at all. When there's a problem you have to wait months and someimes years before its addressed. With Linux you have many places you can get support wither by the community or through a paid support service. Problems that are important or frastrating generally are picked up quickly or you can have it addressed. Try asking and paying Microsoft to fix a problem or add an feature for you.
- Linux is gratis / free of cost so it can't be good.
Why should something you have to pay for be any good? Often the sole purpose of the good or program you have to pay for is to get your money. The shear existence of Linux on the other hand is due to the enthusiasm of people to create and share something because what is already available does not suit all or everything.
- Linux and open source software in general are a bad thing and I refuse to have anything to do with it.
What is you gripe? Surely you have a benefit of some kind with people using what you do like instead. If not there's something very disturbing and close minded about the person that has such an opinion.
All of the above does not only apply to which OS but also which browser, which word processor, which database server, which webserver, ........