What Generator To Buy


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Petrol lawnmowers using "genuine" Honda engines are worth seeking out.

I am puzzled. How would you use a petrol lawnmower, whether Honda-powered or Briggs & Stratton, to generate electricity?

Turn it on its side and use the breeze from the spinning blade to drive a wind turbine?

With a cylinder mower, would you need a vertical shaft turbine?
Couple of boats I've sailed on owned Honda gennys. Thats the only recommendation i can give. One of the boats was owned by a commander RN, a very capable chap, and i dont think he would have anything not up to the mark.
Expensive compared to most, but they have a fine reputation for reliability, and i suppose thats one of the most important factors.
We've got a 6KVa Honda powered generator. But bought probably 15 years ago for £500. Runs everything whenever we get a powercut. In five minutes, I can get the house switched over to it and then carry on - busy as usual. Starts first time.
In December 2008 I bought a new 2.2Kva Petrol Generator. Its still to this day not been out of the box it came in as I am still waiting for a power cut long enough for me to need to bother. I wonder if it would even turn over now. We live 3 doors from the local sub station which seems resilient to cuts of more than a few minutes. In 2022 I got battery storage for my solar so I doubt the gen will ever be used now.
Bear in mind your car(s) are little petrol generators, and more likely to start than a generator used once a year? They are mobile and have large tanks of fresh fuel.

Definitely worth having fast USB chargers in cars, and consider (if it's just freezers you want to do) an inverter. You'll need a decent inverter, as fridges/freezers take a lot of power starting their compressor (e.g. 2000w) before settling down to run.
According to information that has reached me from Ukraine it is a good idea to have a generator that is large enough for it's job but not much more. When everybody runs on generator there will soon be a bit of a fuel shortage and a larger generator uses much more fuel than a small one.

I bought a little used secondhand Honda of the old type that fries computers. Got it cheap for that very reason. It can run the two freezers and the cirkulation pump for the wood fired central heating system. It can also run my hand held powertools on site when I am working off the grid and can therefore pay itself back and not just be an expensive precaution.
Dad bought a cheap chineese two stroke generator. It was essentially wasted money. The thing is pretty much impossible to start and not very inclined to run whatever we try with it.

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