Hi, I have just installed two task lights from Ikea and I would highly recommend them.
In my garage / workshop I had one main central ceiling light. I initially change this to two, one at each end of the garage.
But I found that sometimes when working at my benches, the work area was in shadow.
So I then added two additional lights but both were still fixed, what I really wnated / needed was flexible / moveable lights, eg: task lighting.
After asking around and a bit of Googling I found Ikea lights, specifically, Tertial and Navlinge lights.
The Tertial light is basically a cheap angle poise lamp, (using E27 type screw in bulbs) but with a clamp, so the base can be moved, and it can also be screwed to a surface or a wall. The Tertail cost only £13, yes only £13, its a bargain!
The Navlinge light is a small flexible LED unit, also with a clamp so the base can be moved. The Navlinge cost only £15, so is also a bargain.
Both come in various colours, incl white and grey.

I have used both a few times now and they work great, light the work area very well, and are easy to use and afix, and I can wholeheatedly recommend them.
In my garage / workshop I had one main central ceiling light. I initially change this to two, one at each end of the garage.
But I found that sometimes when working at my benches, the work area was in shadow.
So I then added two additional lights but both were still fixed, what I really wnated / needed was flexible / moveable lights, eg: task lighting.
After asking around and a bit of Googling I found Ikea lights, specifically, Tertial and Navlinge lights.
The Tertial light is basically a cheap angle poise lamp, (using E27 type screw in bulbs) but with a clamp, so the base can be moved, and it can also be screwed to a surface or a wall. The Tertail cost only £13, yes only £13, its a bargain!
The Navlinge light is a small flexible LED unit, also with a clamp so the base can be moved. The Navlinge cost only £15, so is also a bargain.
Both come in various colours, incl white and grey.

I have used both a few times now and they work great, light the work area very well, and are easy to use and afix, and I can wholeheatedly recommend them.