A lot if interesting perspectives. The CV19 will like flu mutate and will require subsequent booster jabs to maintain a level of resilience. There are number of aspects to consider. Firstly until the world is full vaccinated, the number of mutations will not be curbed, and that is never going to happen due to political, cultural and economic reasons. So we are faced with a world were CV19 will mutate and where further pandemics will occur regardless of immunisation.
The biggest driver on what to do is economic and political. Politically, not having hospital beds for sick people isn’t a great vote winner. Ethically people dying for lack of treatment we find deplorable in the UK, other countries where you have to pay for your medical treatment have taken a different prospective. So, morally we all should feel an obligation to help reduce the pressure in hospitals. Economically, lock downs is costing the country billions, and at some point will not be sustainable. the borrowings will have to be repaid by future generations as well as ours. The level of debt we pass on is down to our actions of today. Again morally we should feel burdening society with debt is a poor choice to make.
To do certain things today you are required to take certain actions, give up certain liberties. From a simply driving licence, to passport it is all mandatory to give away personal details and make choices. Life and medical insurance whether it’s for a mortgage or to travel all require very specific details. To visit certain countries you must have been vaccinated against certain diseases. However, the question is whether CV19 is sufficiently dangerous to require us to give up liberties the for good of society. That’s a decision we all have to come to terms with, and the majority clearly recognise that being vaccinated is the right choice.
As an aside, HIV was originally proposed as a notifiable disease, political pressure in the UK changed this and it could be argued that millions have died / had their lives adversely affected as a consequence of the liberty of this decision. In certain countries it still remains a notifiable illness.
Mist people are nit aware what diseases in the UK are by law notifiable. As I understand it, the government can restrict your movement if you have a notifiable disease and endanger others.