US Election November 5th

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Am I allowed to say that part of me quite looks forward to a Trump presidency . . ?

Because it would finally make clear to Europeans that:

1: The US is no longer part of the civilised world – because 50%-plus of the electorate believe he is the best person to lead and represent them. The "US Century" is now ended.

2: The days of the "US Nuclear Shield" for Europe are now over. Europe will have to bid "Goodbye" to the peace dividend it has enjoyed since 1944 – which has saved each country an annual 1-2% of GDP for the last 80 years. And therefore arm itself effectively against the threat from the East.
I don't look forward to a trump presidency, but agree that in the event, it'll be time to write the US off as a reliable ally, and see it more as a dysfunctional state. Our future lies within Europe, whatever form that takes and whatever the costs in defence.
:ROFLMAO: The hyperbole! Wtf are you talking about lmao.

Oh come on Noel, just do it. Set me free. It's like an addiction. About a week in rehab might get me off it.
Some of us here are just trying to be polite and not a dic k and respectful of other people's opinions, as we realise everyone is entitled to think whatever the f*** they want. You on the other hand...
Am I allowed to say that part of me quite looks forward to a Trump presidency . . ?

Because it would finally make clear to Europeans that:

1: The US is no longer part of the civilised world – because 50%-plus of the electorate believe he is the best person to lead and represent them. The "US Century" is now ended.

2: The days of the "US Nuclear Shield" for Europe are now over. Europe will have to bid "Goodbye" to the peace dividend it has enjoyed since 1944 – which has saved each country an annual 1-2% of GDP for the last 80 years. And therefore arm itself effectively against the threat from the East.
I agree in principle but while accepting it's possible that Trump may win it's a certainty 50% plus of the electorate will not vote for him. If previous elections are anything to go by iro a third of the electorate will not vote. The "popular vote" has been won by the Democrats in both of the last elections but of course that didn't stop them losing in 2016.
Wikipedia, the true source of knowledge, bravo bravo. As suggested earlier, take your blinders off and do some reading. I'm not saying Harris doesn't have support, it's just all a bit fishy.
I've heard the "undemocratic" mantra quite a few times and don't really get it.

It seems (from reading more than Wikipedia) that claims of some sort of convoluted conspiracy are a bit far fetched and the Democrats have followed a process that their members are happy with. There were plenty of opportunities for dissent if anyone objected. If they'd gone back to the start and rerun a selection process the window to effectively contest the election would have been shorter handing an advantage to Trump.

What do you think that they should have done differently?
.... I'm not saying Harris doesn't have support, it's just all a bit fishy.
In what way fishy? What have you spotted that everybody else has missed?
What is wrong with the Wikipedia summary? Do you know of a better one? Any links?
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Left wingers are so predictable, they always attack the person when an argument isn't going their way or the opposing views don't fit with their left skewed view of the world.
Socialism is not that far removed from a religion such as Islam or the likes where anyone who doesn't subscribe to their views is a Kafir or second rate citizens and people like Trump are seen as the devil incarnate.
It's a kind of replay of the Satanic Verses fiasco of the 1980s where followers of the Islamic cult called for the death of Salman Rushdie even though vast majority admitted they had never read his book. They believe everything they are told without question and it seems it's the same with the left's views regarding Trump.

I'm not particularly a Trump fan as I find him somewhat odd but many millions of Americans who know far more about him than me don't seem to think so, therefore I'll take their word for it and not the opinions of biased left wing bigots influenced by garbage news outlets like that found the Gruniad or the likes.

Even if Trump doesn't win, given the way the power is shifting across the world, the West ie: Europe in particular is going to have to introduce some form or national service and create a real army which doesn't rely upon the USA to provide the lion's share which it has been doing as I think the USA will be too preoccupied with what is happening in the East to worry about Europe.

Trump isn't a politician as such so he's unlikely to take the USA into conflicts, instead preferring negotiation rather than conflict which he proved during his time in office therefore he's preferable as POTUS than what's on offer from the Democrats which isn't much.
I agree in principle but while accepting it's possible that Trump may win it's a certainty 50% plus of the electorate will not vote for him. If previous elections are anything to go by iro a third of the electorate will not vote. The "popular vote" has been won by the Democrats in both of the last elections but of course that didn't stop them losing in 2016.
Agreed. I should have said "Voting electorate".
Left wingers are so predictable, they always attack the person when an argument isn't going their way or the opposing views don't fit with their left skewed view of the world.
Socialism is not that far removed from a religion such as Islam or the likes where anyone who doesn't subscribe to their views is a Kafir or second rate citizens and people like Trump are seen as the devil incarnate.
It's a kind of replay of the Satanic Verses fiasco of the 1980s where followers of the Islamic cult called for the death of Salman Rushdie even though vast majority admitted they had never read his book. They believe everything they are told without question and it seems it's the same with the left's views regarding Trump.

I'm not particularly a Trump fan as I find him somewhat odd but many millions of Americans who know far more about him than me don't seem to think so, therefore I'll take their word for it and not the opinions of biased left wing bigots influenced by garbage news outlets like that found the Gruniad or the likes.

Even if Trump doesn't win, given the way the power is shifting across the world, the West ie: Europe in particular is going to have to introduce some form or national service and create a real army which doesn't rely upon the USA to provide the lion's share which it has been doing as I think the USA will be too preoccupied with what is happening in the East to worry about Europe.

Trump isn't a politician as such so he's unlikely to take the USA into conflicts, instead preferring negotiation rather than conflict which he proved during his time in office therefore he's preferable as POTUS than what's on offer from the Democrats which isn't much.
That is a pretty good summing up Tony, I’m over here again and if he loses I fear that the direction the Dems want the country to go in is pretty disastrous.
That is a pretty good summing up Tony, I’m over here again and if he loses I fear that the direction the Dems want the country to go in is pretty disastrous.
Can you be specific about which bits of the direction the Democrats want the country to go and why it'd be disastrous? Genuinely interested.
Anyone see Kamila where the text display must have frozen and she kept repeating there is 32 days til the election and only continued once it unfroze. Is this evidence she cannot talk without a script .
Can you be specific about which bits of the direction the Democrats want the country to go and why it'd be disastrous? Genuinely interested.
just look at Labour in this country - you could hardly get a rizla paper between them and the democrats

mind you, in Trumps case, the democrats will be less harmful to us here in Europe
Anyone see Kamila where the text display must have frozen and she kept repeating there is 32 days til the election and only continued once it unfroze. Is this evidence she cannot talk without a script .
No. That sounds fake though on the face of it, so interested to see your source for that.
No. That sounds fake though on the face of it, so interested to see your source for that.
She said it three times and handled a failed prompter pretty well, I'd say. Just the usual nonsense, making something out of nothing.
That is a pretty good summing up Tony, I’m over here again and if he loses I fear that the direction the Dems want the country to go in is pretty disastrous.
Looking forward to your appreciation of the pain that Elon is promising to inflict.
She said it three times and handled a failed prompter pretty well, I'd say. Just the usual nonsense, making something out of nothing.
I googled it and found loads of very frothy looking right wing Youtube vids as the main results.

The actual transcript seems to be:

“Remember this number, 32 days. We've got 32 days until the election. So 32 days, 32 days, OK. We got some business to do. We've got some business to do. All right. 32 days… and we know we will do it, and, and this is gonna be a very tight race until the very end.”

Not even clear to me that is a mistake at all, rather than just emphasis on how little time there was left to get out the vote (a lot less now).
therefore I'll take their word for it and not the opinions of biased left wing bigots influenced by garbage news outlets like that found the Gruniad or the likes.

But that's the thing that many seem to forget. We aren't getting our opinion of Trump from some news outlet, we are getting it from Trump himself. I am literally watching him say the things he is saying. It's not some smear campaign that I am getting my opinion from, it is direct from the source.

He is the one saying he can grab women by the P***y, he is the one who can't formulate a sentence, he is the one dancing for 38mins, he is the one shouting that people are eating the cats and dogs, he is the one refusing to acknowledge he lost the election, or disavowing the proudboys or the people making bomb threats in springfield, he is the one selling bibles made in china whilst he claims to be the most patriotic, he is the one standing in a black church full of white Maga supporters, he is the one standing in front of non-union workers pretending to be pro-union, he is the one praising Putin and hosting Victor Orban, he is the one saying the west is terrible and that he wants to rule like Xi. I could go on and on.

He is telling us in his own garbled words what he intends to do and be, there is no left wing conspiracy or spin that is changing Trumps words. They are there for all to hear plain and simple. The only people changing Trumps words are the republicans desperately trying to explain away how their leader is not the fascist authoritarian he is proclaiming he will be.
I suspect he is a decent enough man to step aside in the hope they can find someone with a better chance of beating the Mango Moron.
In all honesty why anyone would want to take on that job at his age, let alone sign up for another term, is quite beyond me.
Worth remembering that, until that moment, the US electorate were being asked to choose between two men, of whom the chance that either still be sufficiently compos mentis in January 2029 to run the country was . . . . zero

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