US Election November 5th

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I'm just pointing out to the Trumpophobes that Trump isn't the only one who was allegedly crooked!
While we are at it what have you achieved in your life that warrants you to be able to call someone a moron and failed businessman?....the guy managed to get to be the POTUS...what exactly is YOUR claim to fame or lifetime achievement that matches his achievements?
Don't waste your time on me, I think some foreigners might be trying to steal your lawnmower.
You all need to start looking the other way, don't worry about what is going on in the states because Reeves is behind you and going to be after your hard earned money, savings and pensions. Who knew halloween could get really frightening !
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I haven't seen that, got a link?
Of course you haven't. There's probably a great deal you haven't seen, and don't want others to see either. ;)

Try a different search engine, look around for a few hours, start to follow the leads. Suspend your preconceptions for a few weeks and look and listen. Check up on what the speakers say; are their claims verifiable? What are their backgrounds? Do they have any reasons to lie? Will they benefit personally from lying? Conversely are they running a personal risk by speaking out? If so, why might they be doing so? Do patterns emerge that seem plausible? Do different sources agree?

"It's all rather elementary my dear Watson."
I think those numbers are pretty much fabricated,

But lets examine that.
The US Department of Homeland Security has estimated there were 11 million illegal migrants, external living in the US as of January 2022.

It says about a fifth of them arrived in 2010 or later but the majority arrived before this time, some as early as the 1980s.

So the figures is say 12 or13m give or take, but as the US figures show that isnt purely under Biden, but under all administrations over the last 45 years

It's a bit like GB news harking on about how there are a million illegals in the UK, but the Daily mail can only account for a total number of 120,000 over the past 6 years. Which equates, as we know that the number is about 20,000/year

There seems to be a bit of a shortfall there.
I suspect that GB News may have included in the illegals those who arrived with a valid visa but have overstayed. Informed estimated are that this may be ~0.75m - but no way to be certain.

Makes for a much larger number!!
er - she was democratically elected vice president. Picking up the reins from an obviously struggling Biden, was part of her job. Maybe you didn't know that
Jacob maybe get clear on how US politics work. She was selected by Biden to be his running mate, she was not elected.

Furthermore, each party has a caucus in which party members, both politicians and general public vote for their party nominee, a process she didn't go through. She's since garnered the "support" of the senators and representatives only after pushing Biden out of the way. She hasn't gone through the vote process and therefore has circumvented the process and is arguably where she is undemocratically, which is ironic as she likes to parrot Trump as the biggest threat to democracy. There's a chance she may not even been front runner if Biden hadn't first been selected as nominee.
That's fine. Trump is getting battered this time. He's over. If I'm wrong I'm wrong and that'll be a bad moment for the modern western democratic experiment
That's fair, we both have our differing opinions, mine being Trump will win and that if that doesn't happen and Harris gets in, she will be catastrophic for the US and ultimately being it's final downfall as the leader of the free world.

Worth remembering as well that Trump was waaaaay behind in polls against Clinton yet still won that election by a very healthy margin.
You should just ask google a few questions yourself. You seem fairly confused.

..and picked up many delusions.

Your "45m+ migrants" under Biden is nonsense. The figure is nearer 2.5 million apparently, but not an easy calculation so I wouldn't waste your time struggling with the data - you will get it wrong.

You mean the way you are already boring us with details you have failed to grasp but believe anyway! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Never trust a Trumptard!
What do you think of their alarming pet-eating propensities? Have you lost many yourself? A labradoodle ending up on a spit? I suppose you could call it a kebabradoodle. :oops:
PS there has been a fall in migration figures this year. Hope you are not too disappointed.
In some ways USA illegal migration is a continuation of slavery, by other means. They are known to be there, working/exploited at very low wages , with virtually no legal rights and protections. They'd be missed dreadfully if they were forced out

As usual Jacob you say much without saying much at all.

As for Trump, I know exactly what he is, just as I can easily deduce what you are, and what you role here is. The best we can hope for is that you are sadly misinformed; personally I suspect that your actual purpose is just to sow as much confusion and distraction as you can, the better to keep discussion off the central questions. I leave it to others to consider why you might want to do that. :unsure::sneaky:

Trump's personality does not appeal to me, but then one rarely finds a politician with an attractive personality and most of those are soon either corrupted by the "establishment" or forced out of public life altogether. Clearly he's no coward, which is reason enough for establishment to fear him, since most of them are.

I suspect most Americans, and the rest of us, will be satisfied if Trump, should he gain office, enacts some common sense policies, such as doing something about American public finances, trade imbalances, industrial and educational decline, illegal immigration, criminality and foreign entanglements, not to mention her failing agricultural system and collapsing public infrastructure.

"Never trust a Trumptard" you say? Aren't you a bid old for that sort of childishness? Trump enjoys ever-increasing support among blacks and latinos; why do you think that might be? The exploitation of migrant workers is a shameful and long-standing problem and fundamentally a moral one, but then sweatshops are nothing new are they? ;)

Oh my, a fact-checker! If "patriotism is the last resort of the scoundrel", fact-checkers must be the last resort of the fool who'd be better silent. The most famous one which aptly rhymes with "dopes" had to retract 54 articles plagiarized by the founder, whose personal life from reports I have seen would make an interesting expose in itself. Their "fact-checking" was just a shopping list of left wing hot-buttons on which they mouthed the party line to the complete satisfaction of those looking to have their ignorant biases confirmed.
I suspect that GB News may have included in the illegals those who arrived with a valid visa but have overstayed. Informed estimated are that this may be ~0.75m - but no way to be certain.

Makes for a much larger number!!

Everything that comes from GB news is a fabricated load of nonsense.

For starters its not a news channel, its classed as an entertainment channel, and more specifically with a far right agenda.
The GB bit in the title stands for Gaslighting Britons

I know nothing about American politics, but in my 56+ years I've come to recognize someone who is a scammer.
That's fair, we both have our differing opinions, mine being Trump will win and that if that doesn't happen and Harris gets in, she will be catastrophic for the US and ultimately being it's final downfall as the leader of the free world.

:ROFLMAO: The hyperbole! Wtf are you talking about lmao.

Oh come on Noel, just do it. Set me free. It's like an addiction. About a week in rehab might get me off it.
Why do you ask? Are you actually looking for "alternate" sources of information and can't find any? Start at a good library or used book store perhaps?

I see nothing in your posts that indicates any desire for information outside the mainstream, so I would conclude that you are merely fishing for an answer that you can use for another purpose.

You seem to ask a lot of questions, but I notice you rarely answer those asked of you.

Personally I fail to see the point of this endless nattering about the minutiae of U.K. and particularly U.S. politics; your country is demographically, industrially and some would say morally dying before your very eyes. If you give a damn about that prospect your time would probably be better spent figuring out how and why and what if anything you can do about it, or at least how you can get out of the way before the train wreck.

I've been reading and listening for well over forty years and as I was prepared to follow where the evidence led, I've come to see some realities. They're not pleasant or promising of bright futures for this world, and our part of it in particular, but I'm of the odd disposition that truth however unpleasant is preferable to delusion however pleasant.

As for the US election, Trump's lead is now so massive that those determined to stop him and all they think he represents will probably either have to make yet another attempt to assassinate him or create a crisis that will allow the suspension of the election or the results. The Democrats are already talking about refusing to certify the election if he wins. Reports are that 45m plus "migrants" have entered the USA since Biden's term of office began and that over 200,000 of those are considered likely terrorist suspects by present or former US border service officers. So at this point many cards are in play and scenarios are possible, but I won't bore you with details you could neither grasp nor believe.
Ohy, dear . . . .
Am I allowed to say that part of me quite looks forward to a Trump presidency . . ?

Because it would finally make clear to Europeans that:

1: The US is no longer part of the civilised world – because 50%-plus of the electorate believe he is the best person to lead and represent them. The "US Century" is now ended.

2: The days of the "US Nuclear Shield" for Europe are now over. Europe will have to bid "Goodbye" to the peace dividend it has enjoyed since 1944 – which has saved each country an annual 1-2% of GDP for the last 80 years. And therefore arm itself effectively against the threat from the East.

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