Urgent advice needed


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Established Member
14 Jun 2003
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Scotland Via London
I updated my comodo antivirus and after rebooting I have been locked out of my laptop. I get as far as my account password and it says locked underneath my name, and putting my password in just takes me to a blank screen, any ideas? The only other thing I did before this was follow a email link from PC Pitstop which just happen to be about malware and that article about the US recommending that we disable Java. But I have been to this site on and off for years and never had any problems.

Any advice would be very much appreciated .


Hi Mike

Assuming it's a PC not a MAC and you're running Windows, the first thing I would do is boot up into safe mode and do a system restore (or if you can get into the boot menu you may have the option to "boot to last known good configuration").

Usually F8 or F12 or can get into the bios via F2 on starting up but depends on the PC you're using.

Co-incidently it happened to the mother in laws Toshiba laptop at the weekend and the crash was caused when she turned it of whilst Avira was updating. I managed to restore Vista but then decided to format and install Win 7 whilst I had it and it's running much quicker.

Good luck with it. They're a pita when they crash!

Hi Bob, thanks for your reply but it won't let me boot into safe mode F8 and F12 (BOOT MENU) has been disabled in the bios and I have been stopped from accessing it. I cannot even access a few things that are enabled such as network boot or D2D recovery etc.

I think I have been tucked right up and I cannot see anyway around it. Is there another way to get into safe mode?


It sounds as if you got it bad.......
At this point in things I would be seriously considering booting from a cd (if possible) and recovering as much data as I could. I think it unlikey (though I am no expert) that your BIOS has been compromised. It is possible that your boot loader that has been corrupted. If this is so you should have the option at boot time to boot from floppy/dvd/usb etc. Do you?

If the answer is yes, then you can repair your boot sector by booting from a disk containing suitable tools. There are probably many to choose from, and I have not the experience to advise which is best. Someone here will probably suggest something suitable. Personally, I would use Linu (mint) which boots and runs (albeit slowly) from a cd. It will allow you access to your data and you can save your data to another device. But this may be a heavyweight solution.

You also have the option of installing Linux. This will take about half and hour, and you will wind up with an extra operating system that you do not want (well I want it, but you may be happy with windows). During install Linux will scan your disk for other operating systems and reconstruct your boot loader so that at start-up you can choose to boot into windows.

Hope that you sort this out. Technology is great wen it works, but so complex that it is a nightmare to fix when it breaks.
hi Mike
Looks like you have one M F of a virus. The way I would go is to use a boot disc, re-format the hard drive and reload Windows and your software and files. That is the only way of being 100% sure the virus is destroyed. I hope you do backups regularly to cd or dvd. Thats the only sure way of keeping files safe.
Dangermouse":30fr6hsx said:
hi Mike
Looks like you have one M F of a virus. The way I would go is to use a boot disc, re-format the hard drive and reload Windows and your software and files.
But try to save your data first. Whatever you do first cannot be worse than formatting your drive - so salvage what you can. I found that the reformat/reinstall routine was like a spring-clean of the system anyway. Oh, be careful when 'reformatting' as your pc manufacturer may have recovery partitions set up to make reinstall cleaner. You do not want to destroy those, if you can avoid it.
Dangermouse":30fr6hsx said:
That is the only way of being 100% sure the virus is destroyed. I hope you do backups regularly to cd or dvd. Thats the only sure way of keeping files safe.
Yep, backups are a part of the strategy. But when you get a bad virus and have to clear your machine and start again you lose a lot of time reinstalling/reconfiguring your system. Better to avoid the virus in the first place.

My strategy is Linux (Mint13/Mate), it may not suit eveeybody though. I have run linux for about a year now with no antivirus - not a single infection yet. Better still nearly all my settings and all of my data are stored in a single directory making backup/restore trivial. My home directory is on a separate partition - so reinstalling/upgrading my OS generally does not require a restore anyway. The OS is free, and installs in about 20 minutes. You do need to have the right mind set to change though - especially if you want to push the computers capaabilities a bit.
Mike.C":1f7zsezq said:
Hi Bob, thanks for your reply but it won't let me boot into safe mode F8 and F12 (BOOT MENU) has been disabled in the bios and I have been stopped from accessing it. I cannot even access a few things that are enabled such as network boot or D2D recovery etc.

I think I have been tucked right up and I cannot see anyway around it. Is there another way to get into safe mode?



You can't access the BIOS settings, at all? Or access them, but can't change them?

What's the make & model of your laptop?


Dibs-h":1q7zeoiw said:
Mike.C":1q7zeoiw said:
Hi Bob, thanks for your reply but it won't let me boot into safe mode F8 and F12 (BOOT MENU) has been disabled in the bios and I have been stopped from accessing it. I cannot even access a few things that are enabled such as network boot or D2D recovery etc.

I think I have been tucked right up and I cannot see anyway around it. Is there another way to get into safe mode?



You can't access the BIOS settings, at all? Or access them, but can't change them?

What's the make & model of your laptop?



Yes thats right I can access it but not change them. It's an Acer Aspire 5290.

Dangermouse":1q7zeoiw said:
hi Mike
Looks like you have one M F of a virus. The way I would go is to use a boot disc, re-format the hard drive and reload Windows and your software and files. That is the only way of being 100% sure the virus is destroyed. I hope you do backups regularly to cd or dvd. Thats the only sure way of keeping files safe.

I did not get any disc's with the laptop, it came with as DrPhill states a partition. Luckily I have 99% of it backed up on an external hard drive.

RogerP":1q7zeoiw said:
It's a long while since I've used MS so I'm very rusty however here's link to a page which may help you break into the laptop's BIOS.
Sorry I can't help further. Good luck :)


Thanks Roger I will take a look at that.



To reset the bios (which should clear the password), remove the large back cover and remove the ram,under the ram you should see terminal labelled "J3" on the PCB, short this out with a screw driver for a few seconds. Then re-install the ram and power the laptop back up.



There is only one thing for it. Take it to the council recycling dump. Then treat yourself and buy a Mac. Then you can enjoy using a computer again.... :lol:
Dibs-h":19dcr3pf said:

To reset the bios (which should clear the password), remove the large back cover and remove the ram,under the ram you should see terminal labelled "J3" on the PCB, short this out with a screw driver for a few seconds. Then re-install the ram and power the laptop back up.



Short it out with a screw driver!!! I would probably fry the whole thing. Seriously is it that easy?

By the way I was looking through the old laptop box and I do have some recovery disks that Comet must have put in there. They are not Acer ones and have Comet on Call on the label. Now for the bad news they will not run. After startup when I put them in and nothing happens (no instructions came with them). Any ideas how I can get them to run, or could the virus have turned the DVD off to?

If not I will just have to bite the bullet and do as you suggest OH HECK.



Open the flap\cover on the back (where the memory goes) and removing the memory - you have nothing to loose looking for the "J3" jumper. Worst case - you don't find it, put the memory back in & close it up.


p.s. Remove the main battery 1st! :wink: And when it says screwdriver - they don't mean a great big one! LOL
RogerS":1n2d995c said:

There is only one thing for it. Take it to the council recycling dump. Then treat yourself and buy a Mac. Then you can enjoy using a computer again.... :lol:

I priced up a used laptop for just for noddy\usual stuff -

Dual Core (1.6GHz or a little more) - a medium sized hard drive, integrated bits & pieces. Something that has a 13" screen or thereabouts.

For instance a Lenovo X60s for around £100, windows admittedly. Or a MacBook (not current model obviously) and I'm looking at £600 (or so a chum at work tells me, who has a large sideline in buying and selling Mac stuff)

If you really love Apple and £500 means nothing (excluding the folk who make a living using software specific or better on a Mac) then by all means. :wink: I've got bills lined up and don't\can't make money (for a living) using Mac specific software - so I'll pass. :lol:

RogerS":1b6hlhbp said:

There is only one thing for it. Take it to the council recycling dump. Then treat yourself and buy a Mac. Then you can enjoy using a computer again.... :lol:

As it happens Roger ever since I got my IPad I have been very impressed by the quality and have been thinking about getting one, but the price, can I really justify the cost,I don't know?


Dibs-h":93kr1iem said:
RogerS":93kr1iem said:

There is only one thing for it. Take it to the council recycling dump. Then treat yourself and buy a Mac. Then you can enjoy using a computer again.... :lol:

I priced up a used laptop for just for noddy\usual stuff -

Dual Core (1.6GHz or a little more) - a medium sized hard drive, integrated bits & pieces. Something that has a 13" screen or thereabouts.

For instance a Lenovo X60s for around £100, windows admittedly. Or a MacBook (not current model obviously) and I'm looking at £600 (or so a chum at work tells me, who has a large sideline in buying and selling Mac stuff)

If you really love Apple and £500 means nothing (excluding the folk who make a living using software specific or better on a Mac) then by all means. :wink: I've got bills lined up and don't\can't make money (for a living) using Mac specific software - so I'll pass. :lol:


But you love tinkering with your PC, Dibs! And so for you a PC makes sense.... :lol:
RogerS":3gbjqj8p said:
But you love tinkering with your PC, Dibs! And so for you a PC makes sense.... :lol:

I hate tinkering with PC's to be honest Roger, but it's about "value for money" which obviously means different things to folks, in regard to certain things. The £500 saving pays for the road tax for the next 3.5 yrs for my car! :mrgreen:

Don't get me wrong - both the kids have an Ipad, so the USP of them isn't lost on me. Mind you they are both Ipad 2's - used off Ebay. :wink:

Dibs-h":1rsmyo77 said:
RogerS":1rsmyo77 said:
But you love tinkering with your PC, Dibs! And so for you a PC makes sense.... :lol:

I hate tinkering with PC's to be honest Roger, but it's about "value for money" which obviously means different things to folks, in regard to certain things. The £500 saving pays for the road tax for the next 3.5 yrs for my car! :mrgreen:

Don't get me wrong - both the kids have an Ipad, so the USP of them isn't lost on me. Mind you they are both Ipad 2's - used off Ebay. :wink:


Go for Linux. A little tinkering, sure, but far less software bloat means your PC will run faster. Cheaper than an Apple........
Hi Mike

When you go into the bios screen does it ask you for an administrator password? If there is one set then it usually shows a "locked" icon somewhere on the screen. If it isn't password protected (and it really shouldn't be imo) then it lookes as though you might have a virus which has written over your boot sector or reset the bios to stop you changing the boot sequence. If it asks for a password, try typing 000000.

Your recovery files on the partition will probably be named "erecovery" and default pass is 000000

On some machines it's possible to get to a boot sequence dos screen by holding down then repeatedly pressing th "0" (zero) key. AS YOU POWER UP.

The only way I know to safely clear the bios is to unplug from mains, remove battery and then take out the cmos battery from the motherboard for say 30 seconds and then should be able to access and reset to default.

We have an Acer aspire one netbook which isn't the same as yours but will look when I get a chance.


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