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Don't get me started on rum, which has gone down the guff-ridden hype trail that gin has travelled in the last 10 years.
I read that gin sales dropped by a £billion last year. There were something like 160 companies (probably more now) making/selling gin and only eleven iirc actually distill, the rest buy either cheap gin or neutral spirit, throw a handful of flavourings in and triple the price. There is one locally that buys Lidl gin and repackages it.
This is what you get when something gets trendy. Everyone wants a piece and crapness is rendered. Gin is horrible stuff anyway, about the only thing I won't drink (well, undiluted anyway. It's just about bearable in a Martini). Give me bourbon anyday....
Done this for a few years since reading the tip somewhere, and yes, it does work.
Another tip? Tap the nozzle with your fingernail a few times after use, before you screw the top on. It seems to make any liquid glue that was just about to emerge and concrete the cap, fall back down the spout.
Also, try to keep the tube/bottle upright in the fridge....
I have an oily rag as well as a rag-in-can to wipe over tools before putting them away. But I also use the rag to wipe the tip and screw thread on the CA bottle. This should help prevent the lid from sticking.
Here you go, Brother... have a look at these...
however, some would consider the dilution of ardent spirits impiously irreverent! :ROFLMAO:,aps,128&sr=8-44,aps,128&sr=8-43,aps,128&sr=8-33
I would rather spend that sort of money on single malts!!!!!!!!!
Bless you, I was looking for something more basic, my cooking Scotch I splash quite generously, my sipping Scotch I treat more kindly. As Phil has posted, my Tomatin 12 Yr old gets a teaspoonful of boiled cooled water in a generous measure which will last me all evening. I am not a bibulous neophyte driven by advertising, but have had at least 40 years learning what I enjoy.

Don't get me started on rum, which has gone down the guff-ridden hype trail that gin has travelled in the last 10 years. Spiced, Light, Fruit, Cinnamon Cookie flavoured et al.

Plymouth Gin got it right in the days of sail, who needs rhubarb and aardvark pis& additives to convince you that a centuries-old spirit is eminently quaffable.

Rant over.
Sadly, living in the Colonies, my available selection of Scotch whiskies is severely limited.
Worse yet, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in particular, where the liquor stores are administered by the state government.
As you may have heard, everything that the government touches turns to *!#@! So very true.

I have never even so much as seen a bottle of Tomatin (I had to look it up!)! :(
I have long been an admirer of (true) Scotch whiskey.
Dare I say that Scotch is only rivaled by the Irish whiskies, which in general (IMHO), are excellent as well.

I am not typically a fan of Rum, however, in my sailing days, I would purchase a case or two of "Pusser's" Royal Navy blend whilst in the Bahamas and British Virgin Islands. Those were the good old days. I then married a Yankee who gets seasick in a row boat... :(

In closing, I have to wonder just exactly how this post on shop tips turned into a forum on fine spirits! :ROFLMAO:
Rum? Many moons ago I got extremely drunk at a party. In the morning, as was the custom, anyone who crashed out overnight cleaned the house up in the morning. We sent someone to the village shop for bread and bacon for butties for breakfast, and duly cleaned up. Behind a cortain we found a bottle of Mount Gay, so four of had it with bacon butties before hitting the pub for the lunchtime. Young and foolish. Not all that young, but extremely foolish.
I have an oily rag as well as a rag-in-can to wipe over tools before putting them away. But I also use the rag to wipe the tip and screw thread on the CA bottle. This should help prevent the lid from sticking.
Very good tip with the oily rag! When I was a BTCV volunteer we always brushed the tools with oil at the end of the day. I never thought to extend the practice to hand tools.
Can't say I'd want get oil or grease anywhere near glue though. The risk of contaminating the work is too high. But then I do tend to glue very small things...