I've not finished a guitar with cans, but I have other things (RC cars, boats and planes) to good effect, but they can be very temperamental. I have a small compressor and have borrowed an airline and gun from my dad (who sprays cars) but the fittings aren't right so I haven't had chance to try my luck at spraying. For the explorer i'm going to use a wipe on varnish called 'Arm R Seal' - it can be brushed or wiped on, dries quickly, builds well and can be buffed to a glossy finish.
The other alternative to a strong 'clear' finish is Rustins Plastic Finish, you can get amazing results with that and it can be applied with a brush - it's also a lot cheaper compared to a bunch of nitro cans.
Todays Progress:
I managed to squeeze in a couple more hours today. I removed the spalted maple veneer from the headstock, it just didn't work. I've made up some veneers from the walnut I had for the neck blank and will be using that. Thanks to Philly and Simon for your generous offers of your veneer.
It was time to turn my attentions to the fret-board. It required cleaning up and sanding, heres me using my radiused sanding block. I went through the grits upto 800grit
Once it was sanded to an almost mirror finish, I wiped on a little bit of oil to help lubricate the fretboard, it really brings out the richness of the wood and feels really silky, I can't wait to get the chance to play it.
While that was drying, it was time to turn my attentions to the body. It was quite 'rounded' and didn't really have the look of a real rock/metal explorer, so it was out with the ROS and 80 grit to sharpen up the edges, this worked remarkably well.
Then it was time to sand the body all the way upto 400grit to receive the first sealer coat:
And here's the body at the end of todays work with a single shellac sealer coat:
Tomorrow, I'll be putting another shellac coat, and then wet sand to aid in filling the grain, I should be receiving my finishing product (Arm R Seal) during the week and that will be used to give a nice strong but natural protective finish.
I'll also be sanding and sorting out the new headstock veneer as well as applying another coat of oil to the back of the neck, I'm going to leave the fretting until monday (The mrs' is at work and will allow me to concentrate without getting nagged about something or the other).