I've got another point (Swiss) to add to the above debate. This MAY be applicable to UK-based members , today (?) or in the future.
This is currently Swiss "breaking news" today and is now creating a major uproar here.
Some time back in the 60s or 70s, a Swiss bloke founded a company called Crypto AG to make electro-mechanical encryption/decryption machines, much smaller and lighter than the famous WWII German Enigma machines, but also "better"/more secure. Sometime later he died in a road accident (accident or not??? - see below) and his son took the company over.
The company has had great success and sold this machine to companies world-wide, amongst others, in S. America, Far & mid East - not only for commercial companies but also for military services, Embassies, and other "official" institutions in those countries.
BUT, at the time of the son's company takeover and the introduction of a new Chief Engineer, it "seems" that both the Swiss and German secret services AND the CIA somehow or other got involved in ownership/running of the company. Since that takeover, there's been a "backdoor" into the encryption of all those machines, and if you were in the Swiss, German, or American secret services, you could decode everyone's "secret" messages.
Back in the 1980's some Sales Engineer from Crypto had sold these machines to Iran and he was subsequently imprisoned and tortured. Though he was subsequently released and returned to Switzerland he was then immediately sacked by Crypto. Throughout his period of imprisonment and on his return, he claimed that he had no idea there was a "backdoor" into the machine. A "serious investigation" was started by the police but just quietly fizzled out some time later.
Then followed a story in the Washinghton Post about a week ago saying that Crypto AG machines were regularly monitored by the CIA and others.
In the equivalent of the BBC panorama programme on Swiss TV just v2 nights ago, all sorts of people were interviewed, including that "new" Chief Engineer from the 1970s.
He claimed that the imprisoned employee definitely did NOT know anything at all bout the machine's "backdoor" and that the evidence he gave to the police at the time of the enquiry was never asked to be repeated as formal evidence in a court, nor was he asked to put anything in writing. He further claimed that the equivalent of the Swiss PM at the time MUST have known about the "backdoor", if not in detail, at least in principle. The Chief Engineer also claimed that at the time of the UK/Argentine Falklands war, the UK had received secret info via the CIA on the then current Argentine war plans - Argentine had bought the Crypto machines some time before.
That programme also interviewed several past and present Swiss politicians, including the above bloke who was PM at the time, and (surprise surprise) all of whom agreed that it was "all absolutely shocking and awful but none of them did know then or do now know anything at all about it! AND also, based on Washington Post info, the above TV programme also claimed that the Crypto original founder's road accident (above) wasn't an accident at all but had been "engineered" by "someone".
So far so good one might say, and typical of journalists going off at (mostly) half-cock - and typical of so many awful scandals and conspiracy scandals that you hear from time to time just about everywhere.
But now to the (possible?) crunch as far as this thread is concerned:
The above Panorama-like Swiss TV programme was broadcast on SRF Channel 1 TV (BBC 1 equivalent) and is "owned" by SRG. SRG is a government funded and supposedly independent "company", with all/most funds coming from the Swiss TV licence fee, though there IS some advertising money and I think also some "private" money in SRG too.
But they claim they are most definitely independent.
So imagine the uproar in today's papers and radio when the Director of SRG said in an interview today that there will be NO more programmes of any sort about Crypto on Swiss (SRG) radio or TV.
Like UK though, we do have private TV and radio stations, so we'll see what happens.
Regarding the BBC though, apart from being a "consumer" of their programmes, I have no real info about the reality of the BBC's environment in today's UK.
Call me naïve if you like, but I just cannot imagine the BBC apparently bowing to some "backroom government pressure" and cancelling any programmes like that described above.
So whatever you and your politicians all decide about the BBC (like Brexit, I have no say whatever in the matter) just "be careful what you wish for"!