Turning Tools Cabinet


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Established Member
11 Feb 2004
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Trying to stay in one piece in South Wales
Thought I needed a wall hung cabinet to look after my poor neglected tools.
So, a bit of plywood, some screws, the school's tablesaw and this was knocked up in a single session. Not bad going thinks I.

Plywood is cheapy Wickes 18mm stuff. Straight forward butt joints with a couple of coats of a varnish found in the local DIY shop.

The thing I really liked was the bolts I found to hang it on the wall. Was in the General Tool Store in Ross and they have these bolts where you just drill a hole and the bolt cuts its own thread in brick, concrete or block. Used four to hanf this on the wall and it's rock-solid. Top two went into Beaufort brick and if you know Beaufort brick, that is impressive.

Useful cabinet there, Barry. Well done. :wink:

I have used the bolts you mention - used them to bolt my lathe bed directly onto concrete pillars, and to bolt my grinder pedestal onto concrete blocks. I have found them excellent, easy to use and 100% reliable.

BTW, are you far from Ross?


Thanks Trev,
Yes those bolts are great, so easy to use.
Not too near to Ross, up the road from Abergavenny in Brynmawr. I just go through Ross on the way to and from Aylesbury every week and sometimes take the time to go and do a bit of window shopping. I like the General Tool Store, it's a bit of a warren with all sorts of things to discover. They've also started to carry the Veritas range, apparently getting a few more things in soon.

Very useful cupboard. Are the bolts you're talking about called Thunder Bolts?

I've used these a lot in the WS to hand cupboards on the wall.
I like the idea of the rebated door to hold tools , i wonder if theres a storage problem that hasn't been solved on this forum :lol: