As there is such a lot of hard landscaping going on around my area , and others too I'm sure , I know I could acquire some trees. It's having just recently got my 14'' RP bandsaw that has trigerred this thought plus the thread on the astronomical price of wood .
Never having worked from a log not even for a birdhouse I wouldn'lt know where to start regards when to break out , seasoning , time factors etc . Is it worthwhile exercise and roughly what sort of timespan from felling to chippendale orrrrrrrrr birdhouse morelike . Some thoughts on this would be nice and handy and appreciated . Cheers !
Never having worked from a log not even for a birdhouse I wouldn'lt know where to start regards when to break out , seasoning , time factors etc . Is it worthwhile exercise and roughly what sort of timespan from felling to chippendale orrrrrrrrr birdhouse morelike . Some thoughts on this would be nice and handy and appreciated . Cheers !