Tool Cabinet - FINISHED

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Reduced?!*# I thought it was too low anyway, which is why I haven't bothered rushing to do any articles for a bit.

What's Michael offering to pay now? It was £75 a page when I last did one and I thought that was low for the amount of work it is.

Cheers, Ed
Dan Tovey":2o5kd3l1 said:
I was always under the impression that a 'cock bead' was applied to the frame around a door or drawer opening, and that the kind of bead Waka has applied to his drawers was a 'hockey stick moulding'.

Whatever, it looks excellent!

Myself though, I would have used PVA and headless pins. I hate PU glue on delicate work such as this; not only is cleaning up a nightmare but the foaming action of the glue can push joints apart.

I amazed by the time and attention to detail that Waka is putting into what many would consider a utilitarian piece of workshop storage. Great stuff.



You could well be right with the name.

The reason I didn't use pins top assist with the securing is because when it is attached its slight larger than the opening, therefore it needs to be lightly planed to achieve a nice close fit
waterhead37":1tc215e6 said:
That might be a first, I have never seen or hear of splined cock beading before!


It was suggested by Martin, and I have to say on the draw that I have fitted it really looks good, I guess just another added touch, maybe it'll start a new trend.

Hopefully have all the drawer finished by the end of next week, that will then be the lower cabinet finished.
Well its been a couple a weeks since I posted any progress on the tool cabinet, I've not been idle it has just taken me this amount of time to do the draw fronts.
There's been a few challenges on the way, but these have all been overcome.

This shows all the draws in place.


The only finish I have put on the cabinet is a coat of shellac, its on the birds eye mapel for the process of popping the grain and on the rose wood as a method of sealing it.


I have to say the cock beading was a real challenge, the main problem was getting to the stick to the mapel without using any pins etc, especially on the end grain.


On of the main reasons for using splines here is that it will add to the adhesion of the corners. Even though it's not a common thing to do I think the splines look OK.


Now that the lower cabinet is nearly finished I need to clear a space for it, I've decided that it will go on nthe wall behind the bench, this will put it in easy reach when doing bench work.

This is a a pic of the top cabinet carcass, its nearly ready to start assembling, but as I'm off on hols in a couple of weeks I'm not really sure that I'll get around to it., so stage two will have to wait until the middle of March.


Hope you all enjoy the progress to date, look forward to comments positive and negative.
Waka":1husqdx5 said:
Hope you all enjoy the progress to date, look forward to comments positive and negative.


-ve comments. HHhhhmmmm. Let me think.

Nope got none, and I doubt very much whether anybody else will!

That is superb. Can't wait to see it all finished and filled.


Cor, not finished the top section yet?? You ought get that Nibbo bloke in to help..... :lol:
Seriously, looking very cool! Do you need a hand to lift it down to the ground?
Philly :D
I think this is a great piece of woodwork.

I would love such a cabinet for my tools. Trouble is, if I designed one, when it was finished and full to the gills, I would probably find my LN Low-angle Jack, on the bench and glowering at me, because I'd messed up on the planning and there was no space for it.

Nice work Waka. :D

You're jsut trying to show my cabinet up aren't you :wink: :lol:

Looking superb mate, absolutely SUPERB!!!!!
Philly":tn0reghg said:
Cor, not finished the top section yet?? You ought get that Nibbo bloke in to help..... :lol:
Seriously, looking very cool! Do you need a hand to lift it down to the ground?
Philly :D

Its funny you should mention that, I have been wondering how I'm going to get it down.

Won't bother for about 10 days because Its easier where it is to put the finish on, also got to clear the space.

Guys, thanks for the kind comments.
Waka":3eio7qz8 said:
Philly":3eio7qz8 said:
Cor, not finished the top section yet?? You ought get that Nibbo bloke in to help..... :lol:

I could get LN to make the doors :wink: :wink:

I really don't think you need me or anyone to help finish your tool cabinet Waka.

Now that drawer unit it's simply


=D> =D> =D>
Looking brilliant Waka.

I recall you talking in another thread about leaving a beautiful collection of tools behind when you go and this cabinet will just complete that picture. In the meantime it should give you years of pleasure once its complete.

Cheers, Ed
EdSutton":1mga9g3y said:
Looking brilliant Waka.

I recall you talking in another thread about leaving a beautiful collection of tools behind when you go and this cabinet will just complete that picture. In the meantime it should give you years of pleasure once its complete.

Cheers, Ed


I'm looking to get many years of enjoyment out of both the tools and the cabinet. My 6 year old Grandson is already interested in woodwork, so I already know where its going.