Established Member
Hi. Someone suggested that as a newbie i should do a bit of show and tell.
I have been on the woodworkers forum so some of you may get bored with this! We can only get a dial up connection so have just a few piccies on the web to show you.
I am essentially a turner of bowls which are sold to visitors to this part of scotland through markets,fairs and shops. I seem to turn hundreds of the things.
I am fortunate to have VB to turn big stuff and unusual stuff
We live on a croft on the shores of Little Loch Broom - its the sea leading to the summer isles and the minch.
I turn in the byre attached to the croft house (under the 'tin' roof)
Its like turning in a cave!!!
Turning on a croft is not always an easy life
There is more (old) stuff at this link (hope this works) if you're interested
I have been on the woodworkers forum so some of you may get bored with this! We can only get a dial up connection so have just a few piccies on the web to show you.
I am essentially a turner of bowls which are sold to visitors to this part of scotland through markets,fairs and shops. I seem to turn hundreds of the things.
I am fortunate to have VB to turn big stuff and unusual stuff
We live on a croft on the shores of Little Loch Broom - its the sea leading to the summer isles and the minch.
I turn in the byre attached to the croft house (under the 'tin' roof)
Its like turning in a cave!!!
Turning on a croft is not always an easy life
There is more (old) stuff at this link (hope this works) if you're interested