The start of a Cherry bowl NOW FINISHED

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On the other hand I dont think the split detracts one bit from the finished bowl . I always thought that a crack in a natural edged bowl added to the beauty of the piece .
Provided it was finished properly and yours certainly is . Love it .Thanks for showing .
Sadly this is my last large bit of turning
After period of getting chest pains and the worsening of shortness of breath I have just been to the doc and been told that I have left ventrical failure which has showen up on a heart scan and they have told me should give up woodturning and stop doing anything Manuel and not to go out in the cold so that is it for me but to be honest I'm not surprised I have had my suspicions now for a while that is why I started model making I find turning very tiring and painful which turns out to be heart failure well it was good whilst it lasted and I cant complain just readjust and hopefully live a bit longer LOL still it gets me out of the gardening LOL sink a few sherbets that will make it seem better .

So I'm going to sell up and get another small lathe just for pens and see how I can cope with that as I have about 200 kits to get through
Sorry to hear about your heart problems if you set the small lathe up so you can turn while sitting you should be able to do some in small bursts.

I have AF at the moment and that is the only way I have been able to turn over the last few months.

Woody and JPT I know what a kick in the you no whats finding out you cant turn anymore is . To me it was bad enough but for you guys it is a real heartbreaker . I was only involved for a short time but I really enjoyed it . My advice would be as soon as you come to terms with it , get into something that you can do without aggravating your problem , I got involved in Scrolling and while I may not have set the scrolling world alight I am enjoying what I do . The setting up will help you take your mind off it somewhat.

Best of Luck God Bless.