Chas. While your on the subject of trees, just down the road from me is an old estate which is being managed by a couple of blokes who are running all types of woodworking training classes. Ihavent got the brocher for next season yet what there at now runs to the end of the year.
If you buy a piece of timber from them ,they give you a certificate to show where on the estate it had been growing, if it was cut down, for what reason ,it's age and what they replanted in it's place ,Its all to do with the Eco thing thats going on. The Irish Americans are the main buyers. By the way its not cheap! Just thought I'd let you know.
Oh! by the way its a couple of Brits that are running it.I t has a web site I think its called THE LISNAVAGHPROJECT.IE something like that. Regds. Boysie