A touch of the Bernard Mathews... boootiful grain; I'm guessing the recipient's more than pleased Chas...
That's still to be determined Graham, it was ordered as a gift, may know about reaction next week, still working on another item for same destination.oldsoke":32ho474u said:.....I'm guessing the recipient's more than pleased ...
Taffy Turner":32ho474u said:......I have turned a bit of Elm burr and found it just about the easiest of the burrs to deal with - how did you find that piece?
Bodrighy":3thuxszw said:...Do like that, how difficult is it to get a good finish?
Paul.J":1f6m9acp said:Was the design yours or the clients.
Paul.J":1f6m9acp said:So is this a piece of Burr or is it just the part with the dots on that is Burr.
Paul.J":3h42kufg said:Now then Chas are you trying to say that you've got that such a shiney glossy finish that you can't get a decent piccy
Only do that on sunday evenings :lol:Bodrighy":v47oj33n said:Just as I was beginning to think you had taken up knitting or something out comes the next batch. :lol:
Bodrighy":v47oj33n said:Some lovely pieces of wood there Chas. Usual quality we have come to expect of you. Please could you showw a tatty one just to make us newbies feel better![]()
Bodrighy":v47oj33n said:Whn you make pens, do you have all the paraphanalia that seems to be needed? That's the main thing that puts me off having a go.
Them's what sells at the moment though, and I get chewed up if I produce too many dust traps. :lol:TEP":2sp4w4z0 said:Some nice stuff Chas, but we'll have to get you onto something other than bowls though. :twisted: