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As I mentioned earlier in this thread my daughter found this out when an operation at a private hospital went dangerously wrong after she was discharged. The private hospital told me to take her to the nearest NHS A&E. (Where they fixed the problem very quickly and professionally.)
Yea, my wife's experienced that a few times; when relatively easy, profit making, procedures go wrong in a private hospital the patient is offloaded to the NHS for emergency and/or long term treatment. It's a bit of a bug bear amongst NHS doctors.
Yea, my wife's experienced that a few times; when relatively easy, profit making, procedures go wrong in a private hospital the patient is offloaded to the NHS for emergency and/or long term treatment. It's a bit of a bug bear amongst NHS doctors.

Thing is, there are few actual private hospitals, at least with facilities of their own.

They can do the consultation, but not the actual medical procedures, and for that they need to send their 'client' to a hospital that was bought and paid for by the taxpayer.

Many of these private health companies are little more than offices for admin purposes.
Profit is not a dirty word
procedures go wrong in a private hospital the patient is offloaded to the NHS for emergency and/or long term treatment. It's a bit of a bug bear amongst NHS doctors.
But very easily remedied, there should be a process where the NHS can claim the cost from the hospital that caused the issue in the first place and an automatic system of compensation for the patient. This will make the private hospitals realise that they cannot take a gamble with people and any issues will cost them.
But very easily remedied, there should be a process where the NHS can claim the cost from the hospital that caused the issue in the first place and an automatic system of compensation for the patient. This will make the private hospitals realise that they cannot take a gamble with people and any issues will cost them.
A good idea; though I assume the costs would simply be front loaded (onto the private medical insurance bills).

One consequence of expensive, privatised, health care seems to be very high rates of litigation (probably understandable, given the high cost to customers). Those litigation costs then further increase the upfront costs of insurance (e.g. see US healthcare).
It’s worth remembering that getting things wrong isn’t something that only happens with private medical care.

From memory the last declared annual figures for the NHS was that they’d had to pay out £2.6 billion to cover the cost of negligence. The NHS trust that employed Lucy Letby is being investigated for corporate manslaughter.

I’m actually a big fan of the NHS and believe it needs better funding. I don’t think private medical providers are all bad though.
Thing is, there are few actual private hospitals, at least with facilities of their own.

They can do the consultation, but not the actual medical procedures, and for that they need to send their 'client' to a hospital that was bought and paid for by the taxpayer.

Many of these private health companies are little more than offices for admin purposes.
ats not true plenty of private hospitals but they are really travel lodges with theatres bolted on.

You need ICU care your back to the NHS I'm afraid?

Profit is not a dirty word - it is a major driver of improvements to science, technology, processes, efficiency, performance, etc etc.
Often it is not. Many innovators at many levels, past and present, were not the ones to make the mega bucks. That came later with the "entrepreneurs" and others. It's an interesting area of study in itself.
Much R&D is done within state institutions especially the education sector, with no view to direct financial profit
If the private sector delivers competitively priced and specified services, continues to improve their offering over time, and make a profit their input should be actively encouraged not blocked.
"If", then yes.
But private sector cannot provide health care for the majority, never has, never will and simply could not even if it wanted to.
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Regarding privatisation of the NHS, I read recently the idea that what's happening to dentistry is a trial run for what may happen to all healthcare. Basically, underfund to the point of collapse, as those who work in the NHS have been saying is the case for the last decade plus...
Often it is not. Many innovators at many levels, past and present, were not the ones to make the mega bucks. That came later with the "entrepreneurs" and others. It's an interesting area of study in itself.
Much R&D is done within state institutions especially the education sector, with no view to direct financial profit

"If", then yes.
But private sector cannot provide health care for the majority, never has, never will and simply could not even if it wanted to.
........and of course the two most conspicuous effects of the "profit motive" through history, up to the present, have been;
1. Exploitation of the workforce: slavery, lowest possible wages, highest possible rents, maximum degradation of the quality of life for the majority.
2 Gross over-use and wastage of earths's resources leading to environmental destruction even to the point of irreversible Climate Change and the destruction of our own habitat, along with all other species.
Lest we forget!
but as long as it is someone else paying more tax and not them.......
Ìf you go back and read my post (#1295) you'll see that I said the opposite. I'm prepared to pay more tax, my three kids are, my neighbours are, most sensible people (the ones I know anyway) are.

How many people do you know, honestly, who have said "Well, if it fixed the NHS, even a little bit, I'd be prepared to pay more tax"?

The point I was making is that the Tories are wasting their time with their constant fearmongering about tax. That is not the big issue. They should credit people with more sense. Perhaps if they had, instead of fixating on that, and ridiculous things like National Service and Starmer wanting to have a Friday night dinner with his family, people would take them more seriously and they wouldn't be committing electoral suicide quite so much.
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Well I am not prepared to pay more tax to"fix" the NHS or other institutions I just want them run more efficiently. Stop paying for "diversity managers" etc and get rid of all the non jobs. Stop paying out millions a day to look after all those who have arrived here illegally, France gave them nothing so why do we have a duty of care to look after them when our own don't get the same perks. That's just a couple of things that would improve it for us.
Well I am not prepared to pay more tax to"fix" the NHS or other institutions I just want them run more efficiently. Stop paying for "diversity managers" etc and get rid of all the non jobs. Stop paying out millions a day to look after all those who have arrived here illegally, France gave them nothing so why do we have a duty of care to look after them when our own don't get the same perks. That's just a couple of things that would improve it for us.
Do you have statistics to support the efficacy of those measures? If not it just reads like a series of assertions gleaned from the Daily Mail rather than a reasonable plan to help the NHS.
Well I am not prepared to pay more tax to"fix" the NHS or other institutions I just want them run more efficiently. Stop paying for "diversity managers" etc and get rid of all the non jobs. Stop paying out millions a day to look after all those who have arrived here illegally, France gave them nothing so why do we have a duty of care to look after them when our own don't get the same perks. That's just a couple of things that would improve it for us.
The BMA carried out a survey last year which showed one third of ethnic minority doctors were considering leaving the NHS due to racism.

It would be worth knowing what the cost arising from the loss of doctors is perhaps before we ditch a role that is there to address a reason they are leaving? With the staffing shortfall in the NHS expected to increase to 500k within a decade (again according to the BMA) I’d guess we’re going to be reliant on it having a diverse work force.
Well I am not prepared to pay more tax to"fix" the NHS or other institutions I just want them run more efficiently. Stop paying for "diversity managers" etc and get rid of all the non jobs. Stop paying out millions a day to look after all those who have arrived here illegally, France gave them nothing so why do we have a duty of care to look after them when our own don't get the same perks. That's just a couple of things that would improve it for us.
I don’t see how anyone with any shred of decency can think this way. The only doubt they can claim benefit of is ignorance. But clearly they do. We should ensure that their mouthpiece Farage and his pack of bigots, creeps and saddos get nowhere near parliament.
I just want them run more efficiently. Stop paying for "diversity managers" etc and get rid of all the non jobs.
The NHS has less managers per staff member than most commercial organisations, so it could possibly benefit from more managerial effort to keep costs down.. Don't let the right wing press make you think a few specialists cost anything significant.
Well I am not prepared to pay more tax to"fix" the NHS or other institutions
Do you rely on private health care then? If not why not?
I just want them run more efficiently.
Who wouldn't?
It's not the issue though.
Stop paying for "diversity managers" etc and get rid of all the non jobs. Stop paying out millions a day to look after all those who have arrived here illegally, France gave them nothing so why do we have a duty of care to look after them when our own don't get the same perks. That's just a couple of things that would improve it for us.
This is all nonsense.