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Reform supporters keeping in line with the standards of decency you'd expect...


(The chap in the photo, "Bob Weighton", died in 2020)

Seems that account has posted a few similar images before being deleted.
So you dont want our own homeless taken in and given a room, three meals a day, pocket money, a phone etc but its all right to hand this out to gimmegrants!
So you dont want our own homeless taken in and given a room, three meals a day, pocket money, a phone etc but its all right to hand this out to gimmegrants!
Have you ever actually met any of these immigrants? The ones I've met lived in a "hotel" that was previously closed, and will probably soon be demolished. They ate their meals in their rooms from plastic takeaway style containers. Their pocket money came to £8 a week and the only phones they were given were old models donated by local people.
You may well think that they should have been given nothing, and left to starve - it's your right to believe what you want, but please don't make it sound like they live in any sort of luxury.
By the way, personally I do want our own homeless taken care of.
So you dont want our own homeless taken in and given a room, three meals a day, pocket money, a phone etc but its all right to hand this out to gimmegrants!
Unfortunately that argument is rather undermined by the fact that there's a strong correlation between the people who oppose assistance for immigrants ("we should look after our own first!") and the people who consistently oppose the sort of social support measures that would "look after our own".

See also: staunch anti-abortionists who usually oppose the social measures that would help disadvantaged new mothers.
Seriously concerning how dehumanised (and dehumanising) some English have become.
That's the power of individuals such as Farage: stoke the hatred (often with misinformation) then tell those people that their feelings are justified, and present them with a home (by voting for Farage).
The tories haven't done enough for veterans, the homeless or asylum seekers.
And by 'enough' I'll take that as meaning Sweet Fanny Adams.

Certainly the tories have done less than nothing to help the homeless but shutting down a great number of homeless shelters, and the ones that are left are run by charities, many of them from religious groups.

One of the problems we have with the homeless is many of them are alcoholic or addicts, and one thing they arent allowed to do is be drunk or spaced out while there.
So their only option is to sleep rough.
A radical thought - rather than simply rely upon the unfunded (albeit worthy) manifesto and campaign aspirations, the incoming government could articulate the measures they will use to evaluate their election and subsequent government a success or failure.

I had in mind (for instance) the following - eg:
  • unemployment currently 4.3%. Target - no more than 4.5%
  • growth from 2023 compared to other G7 members. Target 1st or 2nd position
  • overall tax take currently 40%. Target below 40%
  • NHS waiting lists currently 7.6m Target 2.0m
  • A&E waiting time currently 75% within 4 hours. Target 95%
  • Housebuilding currently ~231k (2023). Target 1.5m over 5 years
  • GDP to debt ratio currently 98%. Target less than 95%
There are more - but the principle is clear - stop the BS, objectivity, clear expectations. Had the same objective analysis been done with Brexit I suspect we would now judge it an unmitigated failure.

The thought process should also set levels of achievement ranging from complete failure, through reasonable, to outstanding. Not all will be fully achieved, some will be abject failures - a balanced scorecard needs to be the outcome.

No matter how worthy an idea, or reflective of good management practice, to set clear criteria to judge success or failure, I suspect the flow of BS, blame the current incumbents (probably fair), or blame external events beyond the control of government will prevail.
I would broadly agree with that. I think the Lib Dems will do well all across the South from Kent to Cornwall.

Ultimately it only matters to me that Labour get a decent majority. (All this talk of 'supermajorities' is just more fearmongering to the ignorant).

Icing on the cake would be Bournemouth East going Labour for the first time in 50 years of me voting here.

The cherry on the icing would be Jacob Rees Mogg losing his seat.

The sprinkling of hundreds and thousands on top of that would be Sunak losing his seat.