The cheek on some people!

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When I was younger I lived on a housing estate that was still under construction. I would go and get supplies from the shop for the plasterer's and get the deposit back on the bottles. I would also help plaster; mostly used a block with nails in to put a pattern on the browning !
Wow. Didn't know there was a £1 note. Rarest denomination I ever saw was a £50 note! My first day in the country and I gave that to the bus driver at the airport, never seen a man more confused!

I now know exactly what he was thinking, "are you having me on? Where the hell did you come from"?
The £1 note went in the 80s.

I think you can still get Scottish £1 notes but has been awhile since i have seen one.
This is hilarious!

A "first worlder" educating someone who grew up and spent over two decades in a third world country (and some really rough neighbourhoods in the continent) about first world problems!

I suppose it is trivial to think about the environment, while I have been educated to care about it and treat it as a global or "world problem", I should have taken the approach of, "well, I'm not going to be alive when it's an issue so why bother!"
The fact you haven't a Scoobies on my own provenance aside, just take a step back and look at your own reality. You felt sufficient aggrieved justification by a misplaced Starbucks cup in the wrong bin to compose a new thread about the whole thing, with pictures no less. You then even took umbrage when someone else felt this was just a tad minor in the grand scheme of things right now.

I'm afraid to tell you that this is the very epitome of 'first world problems'......and that's okay but no need to get precious about it.
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The fact you haven't a Scoobies on my own provenance aside, just take a step back and look at your own reality. You felt sufficient aggrieved justification by a misplaced Starbucks cup in the wrong bin to compose a new thread about the whole thing, with pictures no less. You then even took umbrage when someone else felt this was just a tad minor in the grand scheme of things right now.

I'm afraid to tell you that this is the very epitome of 'first world problems'.
You can take personal offense at whatever you fancy. But this mentality is precisely the reason we are in the environmental crisis.

Environmental issues always were deemed not to be not serious enough "in the grand scheme of things", but one of the biggest issues we face today.

If you still can't understand the difference between a "first world problem" and a "world problem", then it is pointless for me to try to convince you.

For the record, I wasn't complaining about lack of tanning salons or 5G coverage, too few fries in my burger or the cost of Netflix subscriptions. (Intrigued to see if my issue was the epitome of first world problems, what are these!)

I was talking about one person's mentality of not giving a damn and about lack of the simplest effort that could have made the difference. Wrong things ending up in the wrong place. How many go unnoticed? How many more share the same mentality? We produce 1000s of tonnes of unavoidable waste per day, would it be too much to ask to get it right to the best of our ability?

I for one smile at people who laugh at me when I remove the plastic tape from a cardboard box, because I know I can make that difference.

Education doesn't stop when you graduate or leave school. But lack of it sure confused the hell out of some!
I used to watch with intrigue as my friend used to sort stuff out for recycling when I worked away from home in West Sussex. Why are you doing that I asked- to help the environment and protect it for the generations to come he replied, but why are you removing the labels from the milk cartons and why are you washing out the bottles and food containers etc -just chuck it in the bin . He explained that some things can be recycled but others can’t- I’m just doing my bit and if everyone does a bit it becomes a lot . We went fishing that weekend and I was looking at the beautiful scenery of the South Downs and then a the litter left by previous anglers -beer cans cigarette buts and all manner of waste left behind and discarded . I spent 15 mins clearing it away and put it in the bin nearby. Now you understand why I recycle my mate said and I’ve done it ever since. My general rubbish bin is 1/3 full after 2 weeks but my recycling bin is full after 1 week . Just a pity the colours for the bins aren’t the same everywhere .
we need a national conscription again....for those 35 and under......
it'd do a few things in one go.....
the naughty boys will learn how to behave....
Or you'll have loads of superfit criminals who can outrun plod, are used to getting up at 5am to plan, and know how to kill with their bare hands 🤣
🤣 🤣 🤣
I like to watch "How do they do that " cant some bright spark at beeb or other tv stations make some programmes about where the recycling goes from tip to end user, might get others thinking i could reuse that and form a new buisness . School leavers take note

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