Agree on the young(ish) offenders, just seems like there is a lot of internal anger and resentment about something that manifests into a blow out and causes damage everywhere - life or otherwise.
Access to violent content, cyber bullying, keyboard warriors all contribute to one's state of mind.
But on the contrary, I have seen many youngsters taking the steps against bad environmental practices. Start ups who are targeting specific problems to make our world and future better.
I guess it comes down to the correct education and nurturing. If one's parents are prejudist, abusive and generally anti societal, it is naturally picked up and adopted (unknowingly) by impressionable young minds.
But the right attitude towards harmonious living, respect towards people and nature, generally yields better behaved generation.
As the technology gets more sophisticated, the avenues of misinformation also grow in number and sophistication, so more people will readily believe in the wrong things!