The Badge.

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Not being critical of your comments Eugene, everyone is entitled to their say, and to h**l with anyone who tries to stop it. I for one agree with you that the design leaves a lot to be desired, but as I said earlier, I pulled out.

Will do my best to spot you at Loughborough later in the year, will make sure I have my new specs. on. :wink:
pete honeyman":2po4xxe6 said:
I wasn't going to bother, but now I'll have one, if someone would like to tell me how to go about it.


send tom (wizer) a pm , i think he still has some left - they are fiver as i recall
boysie39":k28017vz said:
TO ALL, I have recognised the work that was put into this venture by Wizer and agree that if he had not took it on it would probley have gone by the wayside. I expressed my dissapointment because I thought it was going to be a different colour ,even if I had seen a picture of it I still would have bought one.I am proud to wear the badge to be part of the UK WORKSHOP.All I hope is you approche me at shows because I find it diffacult to make out the colours .
Every day there are members who put their turnings up for critique and good and not so good remarks are passed on their efforts and accepted I thought my critisisem was fair and not ment to offend anyone.
Does this mean that me and Soulfly have to start our own Woodturning Forum? Easy Soulfly that was a joke I hope you have a sence of humour. If not I could be on my own. Sorry to all who feel that I was being critical of the forum it was never my intention. REgards Boysie.

I'm sure everyone recognises that you arent like that boysie - and i'm sure tom took your comments in the spirit in which they were intended.
It would have been impossible to please everyone.

If you don't like, you are welcome to a refund, pls PM me.

Paul: looks like yours has gone missing in the post. I will send you mine as a replacement on Monday.
Wizer wrote
Paul: looks like yours has gone missing in the post. I will send you mine as a replacement on Monday.
When did you post it out Tom :?:
I will give a couple more days if it don't turn up don't worry about sending yours out :( :cry:
Just to say I am very pleased with my little badge and it is now permantly on my smock for when I do my demos.

If any have gone missing go to the post office and get a claims form. All standard post is insured to a max value of around £35 so you won't be left out of pocket Tom!!


Mon or Tues I think Paul, I dont have my spreadsheet with me. It went out with a bunch of others and I think some of them have received theirs. I'll confirm with you on Monday. I do have a couple spare, just hope too many haven't gone walkies in the post.
Absolutely impossible to please everybody, and that's the reason ideas like this will often not get off the ground in the first place.

You have to just do it and take a lead, and some won't like (and that's absolutely fine and no reflection on them), but hope that the majority will be happy and in this case I think the majority are indeed happy.

It's a thankless task and I think we can't give Tom enough credit and thanks for making the effort and sorting it out, when he could easily have kept his head down and found something with less hassle to spend his time and energy on.

Well done Tom and many thanks indeed =D>

Cheers, Paul :D
I saw the badge for the first time at Woodex today. I have to say I think it's pretty smart IMO and looks very professional.

How do I get one?
