TO ALL, I have recognised the work that was put into this venture by Wizer and agree that if he had not took it on it would probley have gone by the wayside. I expressed my dissapointment because I thought it was going to be a different colour ,even if I had seen a picture of it I still would have bought one.I am proud to wear the badge to be part of the UK WORKSHOP.All I hope is you approche me at shows because I find it diffacult to make out the colours .
Every day there are members who put their turnings up for critique and good and not so good remarks are passed on their efforts and accepted I thought my critisisem was fair and not ment to offend anyone.
Does this mean that me and Soulfly have to start our own Woodturning Forum? Easy Soulfly that was a joke I hope you have a sence of humour. If not I could be on my own. Sorry to all who feel that I was being critical of the forum it was never my intention. REgards Boysie.