The Badge.

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Established Member
6 Sep 2007
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carlow Ireland
Some months ago I asked one of the Forum members of long standing about the possability of having a Forum emblem, did he think it would catch on,would members be in favor. My reasoning was that I was hoping to get over to some woodturning shows in UK and it would be nice to make contact with a fellow member of the Forum if we had a badge of recognition.
He was in favor and I put the question to the Forum and it was very well recieved by the a vast number of members.A design was next on the list and some (in my view) very nice coloured designs with a bit of brightness and shape were presented for consideration. Members had their veiws prices were discussed and TAM and PETE I think posted what I understood to be what was acceptable to all.
TOM (WIZER) took on the job of soursing and looking for a good deal that would be of reasonable price to Members which he has done. But I'm afraid the end result is not what I would call conspicious unless everyone is wearing light colured cothes I dont think I will see to many members.
This is MY opinion and I have not spoken to anyone else regarding it but as they say on here about turning everyone to their own.
Sorry if this offends anyone but it's how I feel. REgards Boysie [/b]
Hi I have a badge and am happy with the design..I would not have
expected more from the price that was asked..
Of course I would have liked one in silver or gold but enamel and amalgam
metal base works out as a fair compromise for all members..
I feel there is nothing stopping members having their own design made
up as long as they keep to the UKWorkshop logo..
Are you saying it is to small and difficult to see or not enough consultation
was given or discussed before the badges where ordered and distributed.
Wonder if Wizer can have the background changed on a batch
of the badge to suite yours and other needs.. :?:
Hi Wizer,

any chance of a piccy of the badge? Maybe not in this thread. I'm not bothered about hearing whether people like or don't like the badge. Just interested to see what it looks like.


Wizer, I dont want a refund.I passed comment on the badge asfrom my understanding you were not too happy about the design and colours of the Forum emblem and so was expecting something different. I may have missed some posts which held us to this shape and colour. I have diffaculty in picking these coulours out and this is my reason for my post.
At no time was I personal or sarcastic about you or anybody else in the Forum, as a matter of fact I offered to help out with payments for thoes who might feel the pinch.You did a very good job TOM and Like everything that is done voulentary you get somebody who will bitch. If mine sounds like this It is not ment to be. I will be very proud to wear it but hope I dont meet too many people with my complaint. REgards Boysie.
That's fair enough Eugene but there's nothing I can do about it now. We were going round and round in circles in that initial thread and no one was making any decisions. I tried to go with the general consensus and that seemed to be for an enamel badge. Personally I would have prefered just the words UK WORKSHOP in brass or brushed steel, but that was largely poo poo'd. When I spoke to Charley he was happy for us to use the forum's logo pretty much as is. That is what I did. You're the first person to complain and I am happy to refund anyone who is no completely happy. I don't want anyone to think this has been forced on them. In my opinion this would have been yet another idea that fell by the waist side if I hadn't stepped in and tried to please everyone. Which of course you can't do.

Please, anyone who is not happy. Talk to me.
Wizer wrote
Please, anyone who is not happy. Talk to me.
Any idea when i might get mine Tom,as it's been nearly two weeks.
I was hoping to have been wearing it to the Woodex show this weekend :?:
boysie39":fysaa5gl said:
HOG & BODGE, Yes I have diffaculty in seeing it. Boysie.
Can understand the problem have a few friends who have difficulties.
So it makes total sense the contrasting blue on blue..Me I see green
when I see blue always have... :lol:
Snooker is a no no for me. drive wife mad asking what colour they
are playing but I love the game.
I would like to have had the little union jack on there some where,and it would have been better if,as requsted to have had a piccy of the design beforehand,so members like Eugene could have made his mind up before buying one.
What about a Uk workshop T shirt? As for a badge - I will make my own badge from a piece of turned end grain boxwood and will be far more beautiful. I would like everyone else make their own.
Soulfly":2xxmyl0b said:
As for a badge - I will make my own badge from a piece of turned end grain boxwood and will be far more beautiful. I would like everyone else make their own.

well thats your perogative soulfly - but most people wanted someing uniform that would easily identify us to each other - one off creations are all very well but they dont make one very identifiable to other forum members.

still with your track record that might be in your best interests....

T shirts is an excellent idea in theory but a bit expensive to produce in practice - If anyone wants one the best bet would be for us to agree a design (like that used for the badge) then to just get our each get our own printed via one of the online services - if anyone wants to do this I'm happy to do the graphic work to create a big jpeg.
C'mon guys. A lot of us where in that initial thread, and all chucking ideas into the pot. Any of us could have grasped the job, but Tom took it. Whether you like the final result or not, at least give him some credit for taking it ahead.

As to photos' before ordering, I asked for one and nothing appeared, so I never ordered a badge. We all had the same opportunity. I don't like the final design so am glad I didn't. I suggest that it all be left to lie and be forgotten as over and done with.

'T shirts' waste of time ordering. You can buy iron-on sheets and print out your a design on your printer, then iron onto any fabric.

Unless of course you want to sport the Logo 24/7, then the best has got to be embroidered on :twisted: :twisted: :roll: Only joking! Can't see me in a T-shirt, 'er indoors hates me wearing them. (I love 'em) :lol: :lol:
I hadn't really taken much notice of the whole badge thing, but someone took the time and put in the effort to take it on and get the job done and the result looks perfectly fine to me.

I wasn't going to bother, but now I'll have one, if someone would like to tell me how to go about it. If people really want to criticise the design, perhaps you should design a new one every year.

Like them dislike them they have been ordered and sent out..
Wizer did a great job organizing and posting badges and I am sure many
more on the forum will want one..I like the Idea of a new badge every
say two years and it would be a good idea also have an element of cost
to support the forum..
Green or blue I like mine.... :lol:
TO ALL, I have recognised the work that was put into this venture by Wizer and agree that if he had not took it on it would probley have gone by the wayside. I expressed my dissapointment because I thought it was going to be a different colour ,even if I had seen a picture of it I still would have bought one.I am proud to wear the badge to be part of the UK WORKSHOP.All I hope is you approche me at shows because I find it diffacult to make out the colours .
Every day there are members who put their turnings up for critique and good and not so good remarks are passed on their efforts and accepted I thought my critisisem was fair and not ment to offend anyone.
Does this mean that me and Soulfly have to start our own Woodturning Forum? Easy Soulfly that was a joke I hope you have a sence of humour. If not I could be on my own. Sorry to all who feel that I was being critical of the forum it was never my intention. REgards Boysie.
Eugene.You/we are entitled to your/our oppinions and there is no need to appologise.
We all know Tom as done an excellent job in sorting this out on his own back.
After all this was your idea which got the whole thing in motion :D