Startrite 301, Kity 613 or other?

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Eternal noob
14 Jan 2020
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Hey all,
I've been looking for a band saw for some time, i've watched the 352 go up a fair price as i was waiting to find one local in decent condition and now the price budget is closer to the 301.
I was pretty set on a startrite due to the sturdy build and seeming ease of finding replacements and accessories, but due to the search moving from 352 to the 301 and the kity seems like it might be a good buy for the right price but how do they compare, if they even do?
Its the birthday in a few weeks so i reckon i'm safe from the other half to overspend some to just get one and pay delivery/collection which lets me be a little less picky.
So opinions, 301? 613? something else in the same £200~ range ?
Thank you
I can’t comment on the Startrite as I haven’t ever used one. I do though own a Kity 613 and have been very pleased with it. The saw was made in the 1980s and was secondhand when I got it. All of the component parts are in reasonable repair and I haven’t had to do much to it other than get some new blades from Tuffsaws. I use it for cutting both seasoned and green wood and have found it simple and effective to calibrate and use. The saw is quite light and basic with an alloy table and hard plastic front cover. It’s not without its quirks, but then again it is French! If you can tell me what sort of size of wood you are looking to cut with it then I can tell you if it can do that. Some spare parts are available for it still, as is the manual, and it’s in use with a number of people on this Forum so if there is a problem with it then it’s likely that someone else has knowledge or experience to help. I paid I think around £280 for mine a year or so ago and have been very happy with it.

I can only comment on the Kity 613, I got mine second hand from a forum member and I could not be more pleased with it and would recommend it to anyone. The thing you need to bear in mind is that some of these machines are getting on for 40 years old and they will not all be in good condition you need to be careful when buying if you are lucky you could end up with a gem but you may end up with something that is of little use.
Thanks for the +'s to the Kity guys, sorry for the late reply, its been a very busy few weeks!
The "bigger"bits Ill be cutting will mostly be Bandsaw boxes, bowl blanks and fire wood so 5" or 6", green, hardwoods will be going through it regularly.
Another thing im curious about the kity is the possibility of adding wheels to the motor to adjust the speed, i don't believe a vfd could get it down to metal cutting speed without ruining any torque it has.
Thanks again
I have a 301s made by startrite and badged record. dont confuse it with later chinese record badged machines. right it's a great little machine properly made simple and effective.
I wouldnt sell mine for £200 maybe £300.

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