speed camera


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I guess the answer is to have average speed cameras.
If they are driving on the road at the time, police cars are considerably less distracting as you adjust your speed so you dont overtake them, without recourse to taking eyes of road and onto speedo.
Perhaps what is needed instead is a proliferation of HUD-style speedos in all cars, not just high end execs?
On the way to Maplins today we were behind a queue of traffic. The person at the front of the queue was doing 40mph all the way though 30mph zones and 60mph zones. Upon seeing the speed camera in a 60 zone while doing 40mph they panicked and slammed on their brakes to avoid flashing the camera and locked up and skidded to a stop making all the cars behind do the same. We stopped easily as the wife ensures she leaves plenty of distance in front to brake in time and make it easier to see ahead.

Due to one person at least that shouldn't be on the road there was nearly a 4 car accident.

For some reason where I live nearly everyone over 50 drives at 40mph no matter what the speed limits are but this drops to 20mph if there is a speck of rain and sometimes less if it actually rains. Indicators don't seem to exist for these drivers either.
Elapid":3vvg99er said:

For some reason where I live nearly everyone over 50 drives at 40mph no matter what the speed limits are but this drops to 20mph if there is a speck of rain and sometimes less if it actually rains. Indicators don't seem to exist for these drivers either.

Are you sure you weren't following Jacob ? :lol:
So not only were you speeding past a school, it was foggy and possibly icy, lucky to make it home at all ;-)

I would say there was a good chance the fog would disperse the flash so much that all the photo will show is a blob of light.
They are good these threads. It's useful for a pathetic driver like me to pick up a few tips from our experts.
So: driving faster gets you out of accidents, slowing down is a major cause of accidents and the main argument against speed cameras. Have I got that right?
I take Benchwayze's points about the risks of looking at your speedometer or driving mirror. Obviously a dangerous distraction. Good job you can't do both at the same time! Should these distractions be banned - they sound riskier than mobile phones?
What about brakes - do they give a false sense of security and cause accidents? I think they should be banned.
Safety belts - I'm worried that if I have a crash I wont be thrown clear like in those action movies. Or escape from a burning or sinking car? I think they should go too.

PS and all that bollix about driving on the left! Ridiculous - most the world's other drivers don't have to do that, or go clockwise around roundabouts. If they can do it why can't we? It's not fair!
Jacob":3xuc08s8 said:
They are good these threads. It's useful for a pathetic driver like me to pick up a few tips from our experts.
So: driving faster gets you out of accidents, slowing down is a major cause of accidents and the main argument against speed cameras. Have I got that right?
I take Benchwayze's points about the risks of looking at your speedometer or driving mirror. Obviously a dangerous distraction. Good job you can't do both at the same time! Should these distractions be banned - they sound riskier than mobile phones?
What about brakes - do they give a false sense of security and cause accidents? I think they should be banned.
Safety belts - I'm worried that if I have a crash I wont be thrown clear like in those action movies. Or escape from a burning or sinking car? I think they should go too.

PS and all that bollix about driving on the left! Ridiculous - most the world's other drivers don't have to do that, or go clockwise around roundabouts. If they can do it why can't we? It's not fair!

Typically the only bit you got right in that supercillious rant was the word "bollix" :lol: :lol: :lol:
Jacob":1sxvobj2 said:
They are good these threads. It's useful for a pathetic driver like me to pick up a few tips from our experts.
So: driving faster gets you out of accidents, slowing down is a major cause of accidents and the main argument against speed cameras. Have I got that right?
I take Benchwayze's points about the risks of looking at your speedometer or driving mirror. Obviously a dangerous distraction. Good job you can't do both at the same time! Should these distractions be banned - they sound riskier than mobile phones?
What about brakes - do they give a false sense of security and cause accidents? I think they should be banned.
Safety belts - I'm worried that if I have a crash I wont be thrown clear like in those action movies. Or escape from a burning or sinking car? I think they should go too.

PS and all that bollix about driving on the left! Ridiculous - most the world's other drivers don't have to do that, or go clockwise around roundabouts. If they can do it why can't we? It's not fair!

Driving too fast for the conditions, not being aware of what is going on around you and impeding the flow of traffic all contribute to accidents and are all things you would fail your driving test for.

I currently choose not to drive as my medication makes everything feel too fast and unsafe while in a car so while I can drive I don't. I cringe every time my wife brakes for a corner even though she is a very good driver.
Elapid":1n4eysn5 said:
On the way to Maplins today we were behind a queue of traffic. The person at the front of the queue was doing 40mph all the way though 30mph zones and 60mph zones. Upon seeing the speed camera in a 60 zone while doing 40mph they panicked and slammed on their brakes to avoid flashing the camera and locked up and skidded to a stop making all the cars behind do the same. We stopped easily as the wife ensures she leaves plenty of distance in front to brake in time and make it easier to see ahead.

Due to one person at least that shouldn't be on the road there was nearly a 4 car accident.
To be realistic - if there had been a 4 car accident the fault would be with the three cars behind (if non of them stopped in time and hadn't be shunted up by one behind).
Your wife has the right idea - drive as though everybody else on the road is a complete prat. It'll be true sooner or later (no names no pack-drill :roll: ).
Jacob":wijawwcv said:
Your wife has the right idea - drive as though everybody else on the road is a complete prat. It'll be true sooner or later (no names no pack-drill :roll: ).

I partly agree with that and fully believe that all "thinking" drivers should drive defensively but it's virtually impossible in the real world to do so and be invulnerable to other drivers actions.

My father in law drove for several years (as do many others) when he should not have been on the road. he had dementure and serious memory loss and confusion. he never knew where he was going, was impossible to predict, braked and swerved without reason, drove over the white line on corners and occasionally the wrong way on roundabouts. I watched in horror one day as he reversed without looking into 60mph oncoming traffic on a busy main highway.

Any responsible driver will make little progress if they hang back too far as someone else will pop in front and close the gap again.
Not everyone has the time to tootle around all the time or the experience to recognise a situation unfolding ahead of them. The advanced driving test should be madatory IMO and include skid pan training and drivers should not be able to self declare on line where it is all too easy and common to click the "no" boxes to confusion, memory loss and eyesight questions.

Some friends visited us on Friday night and I enquired after her father who is 96 and drives the round trip of 20 miles into the local town every day :shock: I watched (and heard) him a couple of years ago drive 150 yards down the main street in 1st gear, engine screaming, weaving side to side. Shouldn't be on the road and I said so to his daughter and suggested she take appropriate action.

Most of us think we're above average drivers and many would get a hell of a shock if that belief was to be tested!

Jacob":350q91r1 said:
Elapid":350q91r1 said:
On the way to Maplins today we were behind a queue of traffic. The person at the front of the queue was doing 40mph all the way though 30mph zones and 60mph zones. Upon seeing the speed camera in a 60 zone while doing 40mph they panicked and slammed on their brakes to avoid flashing the camera and locked up and skidded to a stop making all the cars behind do the same. We stopped easily as the wife ensures she leaves plenty of distance in front to brake in time and make it easier to see ahead.

Due to one person at least that shouldn't be on the road there was nearly a 4 car accident.
To be realistic - if there had been a 4 car accident the fault would be with the three cars behind (if non of them stopped in time and hadn't be shunted up by one behind).
Your wife has the right idea - drive as though everybody else on the road is a complete prat. It'll be true sooner or later (no names no pack-drill :roll: ).

Earth to Planet Jacob....Earth to Planet Jacob.

Rule of thumb...one cars length per 10mph. That's 4 cars lengths between cars. Now tell me how many towns and cities have a traffic density that lets that happen? In the real world....not Jacob-world.
RogerS":2co64fbv said:
Rule of thumb...one cars length per 10mph. That's 4 cars lengths between cars. Now tell me how many towns and cities have a traffic density that lets that happen? In the real world....not Jacob-world.
It's up to you to keep the distance.
OK so someone might pop in to the gap but most of the time it isn't that easy. If they do you just back off again. I do it all the time.
No prob until you get an angry Clarkson fan behind you but they either overtake or give up tail gating after a bit.
One thing I've found is that I mustn't do V sign over my shoulder - there have been one or two very angry incidents resulting. :roll: - There are some very angry drivers out there. It's easy to forget this when you are just pottering along at the speed limit enjoying yourself and listening to the radio. Maybe we need a breath test for testosterone and adrenaline!
Same on motorways - I ease off at the first hint of a brake light in the distance, however far away. My wife doesn't - she leaves it to the last minute which makes being a passenger a bit nerve wracking.
You're right, Bob.

One scam for which there is little warning is the 'fake' stop at traffic lights. You will be stopped as car number three at a set of red lights. In front of you but unbeknown to you (unless you are Jacob, of course, and are omniscient) are two cars belonging to the gang. Lights go green. Lead car starts to go straight on then jinks into an unindicated left turn. The second gang car does an unnecessary emergency stop. You rear-end him. The gang claim for whiplash, exaggerrated repair costs, storage of their vehicle, car hire costs etc. Typically a £15k sting.
Maybe we need a breath test for testosterone

Well I guess some blokes just don't have any - or perhaps you should change your name to Jacobina :wink: :D


RogerS":o1nksf4p said:
You're right, Bob.

One scam for which there is little warning is the 'fake' stop at traffic lights. You will be stopped as car number three at a set of red lights. In front of you but unbeknown to you (unless you are Jacob, of course, and are omniscient) are two cars belonging to the gang. Lights go green. Lead car starts to go straight on then jinks into an unindicated left turn. The second gang car does an unnecessary emergency stop. You rear-end him. The gang claim for whiplash, exaggerrated repair costs, storage of their vehicle, car hire costs etc. Typically a £15k sting.
Does this happen to you often Roger, or are you just scaring yourself shiteless unnecessarily? Do you worry about things that go bump in the night? Have you considered meditation, or counselling? :lol: :lol:
RogerS":jdpnlep1 said:
You're right, Bob.

One scam for which there is little warning is the 'fake' stop at traffic lights. You will be stopped as car number three at a set of red lights. In front of you but unbeknown to you (unless you are Jacob, of course, and are omniscient) are two cars belonging to the gang. Lights go green. Lead car starts to go straight on then jinks into an unindicated left turn. The second gang car does an unnecessary emergency stop. You rear-end him. The gang claim for whiplash, exaggerrated repair costs, storage of their vehicle, car hire costs etc. Typically a £15k sting.

The other one is that they just remove their braking or reverse lights then emergency stopping or even reversing into you. Often they will say don't worry it at the scene but will then say you left the scene without giving your details and the police turn up on your doorstep.

There are a few videos of it happening on youtube to people that have avoided getting sued by having video cameras in their cars.
This amazes me. All the pomp and ceremony coming from sbj
The man was happy to drive an uninsured and untaxed
Vehicle on the public roads.

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