Sourcing Birch plywood - the good stuff!

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Thanks for all the suggestions - it appears that when you get right down to it there isn't, currently, a supplier that I've tried (about 20) that has B/BB Birch long-grain with no repair plugs in 9 or 12mm. There are a couple of pseudo plywoods available like Artisan/Artizan but they are almost like a "melamine laminate" with the thinnest of thin top surface, and the grain pattern is nothing like Birch.

I shall revisit my planned project some time in the future.
Builder Depot has B/BB birch ply in 12mm:
Try here? Have B/BB or did a few months ago
Was there supposed to be a link in your post?
... just to add to my comment - a number of suppliers listed B/BB plywood BUT when questioned said it had repair plugs - so that's not B/B - the grade description for B/BB is:

B/BB: Single piece face and back veneer. Face veneers are considered clear and free of defects with a light-uniform color. Back allows 3-6 color matched patches, which are oval in shape and egg sized. Inner cores are solid birch single piece veneers.

. . . and for BB/BB

BB/BB: Single piece face and back. Both face and back veneers allow 3-6 small color-matched patches on average and some light mineral streaks. Tight pin knots may be present. Inner cores are solid single piece veneers.
Did you ever get sorted with this, I have just received two lovely sheets of 12mm Birch ply with no plugs in the top face, haven't looked on the reverse, but you are welcome to one if you want at cost you will need to collect it though.

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Did you ever get sorted with this, I have just received two lovely sheets of 12mm Birch ply with no plugs in the top face, haven't looked on the reverse, but you are welcome to one if you want at cost you will need to collect it though.


I'm off out now for most of the day - please PM with a phone number and I'll give you a call when I get back - subject to sight (and cost!) it seems highly suitable. Rob
I'm off out now for most of the day - please PM with a phone number and I'll give you a call when I get back - subject to sight (and cost!) it seems highly suitable. Rob
Hi Rob 👋 I have taken another look and there are three sheets two of them are plug free one face snd the third is plug free both faces, not bad for bb/bb grade. They are some that I hot in for stock but I will use them short notice if you don't want them. DM . sent
The usual solution to this problem, (though it's not a cheap solution) is to use ash veneered plywood. The ash is American ash and it's very close in colour to birch, and of course knot, and therefore patch, free.

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